Nov 24, 2009 01:03
Back in Western Mass, and Jesse-cat has apparently taken over my room in my absence. The reason I think this? The nearly solid layer of black cat hair that has accumulated on the sheets, blanket, and quilt. When I made the bed earlier he got all huffy and stormed off, since I disrupted his "nest"
And speaking of Jesse-cat, he must have heard me typing since he just walked in and plopped down on the bed. Yeah, I have my laptop in bed, I'm bad, but I'm really close to finishing NaNo! Only about a thousand words to go, but I'm too tired tonight. Hopefully tomorrow so I can say one good thing happened this month.
Stella-cat is still being coy around me and won't sit on me, but by the end of tomorrow she'll be all over me. She seems to think she's punishing me by not sitting on me, but her attention span is short enough that she eventually forgets, and she is a love muffin by nature.
It also shocks me whenever I come out here just how quiet it is... save for Jesse's loud purring. Certainly different from the city.