I'd say that the kitsune soba from last night turned out rather well, and as a bonus we now have some leftover noodles and some niban dashi, which I might use to make soup later. I think I ended up with more noodles than broth, though, so I think the serving sizes of the noodles are rather generous.
In other news, my plans for the day appear to have been dashed thanks to my own damn body.
The only thing I have to say right now is OW! I think maybe all the travel stress has finally caught up to me, and the result is pain! So I think I'll postpone going for a swim until I can walk comfortably again. The good news is that Stella-cat is perceptive as ever and is currently serving as a furry heating pad. She was also doing this last night before this happened, so she knew something was up. I think I'll just bum around the house today, maybe make some miso and play video games.
We also have a mysterious black cat who keeps showing up in our yard. He or she showed up two days ago and has been playing chicken with Jesse, apparently over territory. I haven't gotten a good look at MC (what I've been calling it, short for Mystery Cat) but I think I see a collar around its neck. I'm hoping to get close enough to confirm that, though it hid in the bushes last time I tried to look at it. Two nights ago it was actually sort of funny to look out when Dad told me to "count the black cats" on the lawn. Let's see, One, Two... Three?!
Later it and Jesse sat about a foot from each other and just yowled at each other for what must have been the better part of an hour, which was actually sort of funny. I'm not sure where this cat is from, but I just hope it has a home near here.