Not dead yet!

May 11, 2008 20:09

So what have I been up to?

Got to disc 2 of Metal Gear Solid, and am definitely seeing why it is sometimes referred to as "The best movie I ever played." Also... stairs! The last hour of disc 1 seemed to be made of nothing but stairs. Gah... You also know things have gotten weird when you realize that you just beat a Hind D helicopter on foot, with only a bunch of stinger missiles. I'm good. -3-

Also making some progress on writing Mai-HiME Origin. I think I've gotten to the point that I can stop with the exposition and get to the good parts -- IE the fighting. I'm torn between wanting to get to the good bits but wanting to develop the characters adequately so what happens to them actually means something on a deeper level, but it's getting easier. Ironically the chapter where everything starts to go bad in the fourth one, which is rather appropriate given the Japanese association of four with death. That wasn't intended, but it turned out that way.

I'm also finally focusing on the character of Mashiro after only a brief mention, but that's at least partially intentional. My Mashiro is more or less a blank slate, and what happens later shapes her into what we saw in the series. I'm also trying to make a point about where the term HiME may have come from, since real princesses were more or less political pawns who were manipulated for other's purposes, and most of the HiME we see are in the same boat. I'm also aware that what I'm writing is dark, but that's just a reflection of the time it's set in. Tokugawa Japan was not a nice place.

So anywho, that's how I've been spending my time. That and working and meeting up with the family for Mother's Day Chinese food, which went over pretty well with the usual weirdness. And I have to open up again tomorrow, so I'm going to take a bath (since we have a new water heater and the water is actually hot again -- as in turn you into a lobster hot) and crash out.

Also, if I haven't mentioned it before, Stella-cat came home a few days ago and is doing well. They think she had some sort of intestinal problem, but she has her appetite back. We have to space her meals out and give her medicine, and with the latter she's gotten her claws into me a few times. Cats don't take getting medicine well, but it's done out of love. Not sure she gets that, but luckily holding grudges isn't her strong suite. ;)

fanfiction, life, pets, family, video games, writing

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