(no subject)

Jun 26, 2013 21:19

And the final act of the emotional roller coaster today was stepping out to get some milk and on the way back realizing I either lost or left my keys inside. Eventually someone was leaving the building so I managed to get into the hallway and since I did take my phone with me I phoned maintenance guy and he showed up to let me in.

And then it turns out that while I'm a dumbass but not such a dumbass that I actually lost the keys and instead just left them on my kitchen counter. And figures that after two years of a clean record for this I do this a month before I move out, and while roommate (who has done this repeatedly and has been chewed out by me for it) is in another country.

I also really need to remember to leave maintenance guy cookies or something when I move out since for over two years he's been nothing but lovely.

In conclusion for today: I need a frickin' drink.
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