(no subject)

May 21, 2013 20:06

So today at work started with cramps and the power going out in the entire office for about an hour. We still could work off our laptops' batteries but pretty much as everyone was running around likes chickens with their heads cut off I just plugged into my laptop and kept at what I'd been doing from the start that took me off the phones anyhow. That being the mobile queue, since the day before we'd had several dozen emails transferred in there from the "bottom queue" (more or less the dregs of all the emails we get that we periodically clear out and properly sort) and I'd not managed to get to all of them the day before. Power came on eventually and rest of the day went smoother.

Also have some potentially exciting news on the housing front but at this point am too tired to do much else than make a pros and cons list and sleep on it.

life, work

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