Nov 18, 2011 13:19
I'm glad that I technically only have two days of classes next week, since the end of this week has made me want to kill something.
In Japanese we have to do group presentations again, and naturally I got stuck with あまい ゴキブリ when we were drawing names. Though I can now say that this kid is actually even worse than the kid he was nicknamed after. The other girl in my group and I both made it very clear to the professor after class that we're not at all thrilled that we're going to have to put in more work as a result of this kid, and since he is so clueless we're going to have to hold his hand the entire time, and odds are that he's going to drag down our grade. We don't have a choice, but we both wanted to have our feelings on the matter known. And again, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but this kid has honestly no clue what he's doing and half the time I'm pretty sure he's high. I don't appreciate having to do more work because of this schmuck.
Oh, and as I was walking to my next class I spotted The Ex with her arm around some girl. Lovely. It's even the same time of year she dumped me.
And then in my philosophy class we had some privileged, ignorant idiots who actually tried to use Social Darwinism as a justification for bullying. I hope I don't have to explain what's wrong with that. I also mildly lost my temper and apologized to the professor afterwards, but he said that in that case it was warranted.
So yes, just get me to the end of today and the two days I have next week. Hopefully I won't kick anyone into the next timezone, as sorely tempting as it is.