athelind Dec 31, 2010 12:56
freedom, playing our song, hope, coyote, turing test fail, me, corn, auto motives, tagsplosion, music, optimism, state of the dragon, lies, obama, fnord, resolution, untidy states, love, bohica, family, time, athelind, jobquest!, fubar, motivation, credo, separation, synchronicity, politics, divorce, life, holiday, quelonzia, the terrorists have already won, spirit of radio
athelind Nov 17, 2009 11:22
i don't know, love, metaprogramming, coyote, family, bay area, athelind, fubar, jobquest!, corn, me, auto motives, feed your head, temp work, snafu, what, credo, who, work, i feel old now, life, quelonzia, fnord
athelind Feb 22, 2008 16:43