... then again ....

Jul 06, 2009 16:27

So I turn up to the Job Centre Plus in Farnborough and talk to the receptionist, who immediately seems very sceptical that I can indeed get the form filled in there. After a longer than necessary conversation I get told to sit down whilst he checks on things.

Eventually I'm called by a lady who has to enter my NI number no less than 3 times before getting the requisite information up. Apparently they shouldn't be doing this, but I'm lucky because she used to work in the DWP or something, so knows how to check Incapacity Benefit. So in the end I do get the form filled in, but am told that next year, or for any other such need, I need to phone such and such a number who will then send me an envelope to get the thing sorted out. I fully expect the procedure to have changed again by next year.


And now I'm back home totally physically knackered because I've done fuck all in the way of going out since February and my body is rightfully complaining. It didn't help that after all that palaver I forgot to post the damned form, only realising as I had my hand on the door to my block of flats. So off for another 20 minutes walk I went to post it.

people are stupid, student loans, benefits

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