(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 23:28

I find myself feeling more and more down lately. Some might go "aha! Maybe the medication WAS helping some then!", but I still disagree. There's adequate external reasons for this. I've not been able to see either person in my love/sex life much at all lately, and indeed before going to London yesterday to spend the day with xugglybug (clarification: she's NOT one of the love/sex life people for me) I'd not been out with anyone at all in something like 10 days. It will still be around another 2 weeks until I see pogodragon again, and by then will have been a total of 5 weeks :(.

Basically I'm getting out less just recently and also finding less to do to fill my time otherwise. In part this is why I finally got around to doing some work on fysh.org as I had really NOTHING else to do with my time. By now, ideally, I'd be seeing a psychologist weekly for CBT, but we all know what the NHS is like, itterly crap. I'll be lucky to start such by the turn of the year.

I think I do need some online game to bury my head in again. For the cheapness of it I'll likely first see if I can get back into playing Battlefield 2, as I already own it, no extra cost is entailed etc.

Today I didn't even move out of bed until 19:25. That was part reaction to actually being out yesterday, the almost inevitable crash after having had a good time.

Hopefully this will pass soon, as it is wont to do.

depression, loneliness

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