Header Contest

Jul 22, 2008 00:27

We've been talking about changing the layout for awhile, but so far, we haven't ever gotten to it. I know
serendith was talking about looking for someone we could pay to make a professional layout, but neither she nor I have found anyone yet. So, what I decided to do is to hold a header contest. We have some talented artists in this group, so why shouldn't one of you be the one to design the header image for the top of the journal? Layouts aren't permanent, so we can always change the layout later if we find a professional or decide to hold another header contest.

Here's how it will work:
  • Deadline: Entries are due by Monday, August 4 Wednesday, August 13 at midnight PST, after which we will vote to determine the winner. The exact format of voting will depend on the number of entries.
  • Number of entries: You may submit up to two entries by replying with the link to the header(s) in this post.
  • Size: The headers should be around 750px wide and between 100-350px tall.
  • Format: The format of your images should be GIF, JPG, or PNG.
  • Text: The headers should say "Athanarel". (Any other additional text is also acceptable.)
  • Content: Pretty much any material is acceptable. I am not going to turn people away because I think it is off subject - but do realize people likely won't vote for random headers. Also, this community has a wide range of people from different ages and backgrounds so a certain level of decorum is called for.
  • Colors: Don't worry about colors; I will change the colors of this layout to match your header.
  • Feel free to poll the community as a whole! If you make more than two headers, I encourage you to post your own poll to help you decide which ones to enter. Also, it might not be a bad idea to ask people what they would like to see, since we'll all be looking at this header quite a bit.
  • Sample: I did a very similar contest on
    narniachronicle, so you can look here to see how it was run, what entries looked like, and what the end result was.

admin discussion, picture/art, header contest, maintenance

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