I've noticed that there are different types of journal entries in most people's journals. There are short, consise ones which are two lines and are something like: "School sucks right now, and I have eight tons of homework to do, I'm going to go eat a cookie! bye!" and are sometimes accompanied by an online quiz. There's others that are inexplicable emotions that usually are really angry or excited, but it's usually never really clear why. "LIFE SUCKS!!! GOD!! I'm so fucking pissed off right now!! I can't even write!!!" Sometimes people write entries that are a play-by-play of their lives. This usually happens after an extended period without any updates whatsoever. There are also those that deal with a particular topic on one's mind. I.E: "InuYasha is the coolest show ever!" Finally there are the ones labeled pensive in the emotion box. They're usually not too long, maybe a couple of paragraphs, but by the end of the entry, the author hopes that the reader has come to the same deep and philosophical emotional understanding that he or she has attained in the course of writing the entry. Those are my favorite entries, both to write and to read. I think I've only written one memorable one (ctrl+f the word "prophetic" to find it) and I wish to now write more on my opinion on the meaning of life.
I think that people think too much, and that's the basis of our flaws. I'm learning that thinking too much into situations can just cause stress. I realize that this is nothing new, we've all heard he advice to take things day by day and what not. But I really don't think that we ever understand how important this is. I mean, when we start thinking about consequence after consequence of every action, then we tend to live in the future, which is another flaw. Jessica once gave me an excellent quote by Mr. Eimmerman. He said to trust God and leave everything in His hands, and I think that this is excellent advice. Regardless of religious affiliation, the basic message is to trust fate. I know it sounds horrendously cliche, but it's really simple. If you worry too much about the future and think to deep into things, then you're just digging yourself into a dark tunnel in the ground. Eventually, you're just going to hit a wall, where your only option is to crawl back out, but you can't, because you've dug yourself in too deep. Why not just stay above ground and see where your feet take you. I know people who flip out over something that they don't have to worry about until two years from now. These people seem to live their lives simply for this thing that's causing them so much angst. That doesn't make any sense. We can't live our lives in fear of the uncertain, and we can't live them in worry of what's already happened, or what they have no control over, because then, you're life just passes you by. Please don't get me wrong in thinking that I'm advocating negligence of your choices and consequences. I'm just saying that there's only so much you can do to prepare for something or to make a decision, and after that, stop worrying. Trust in youself, and trust in the outcome. Live life how you want to (short of doing anything harmful of illegal, please), and don't let your worries and fears rule you. Finally, I realize that I'm preaching to people who hear this every day of your lives, but I still think it's really important, beacause ya'll are still not listening. Stop worrying about college, relationships, friends talking smack, and grades. Even though it's important, you're more important. SO LISTEN TO ME, MINIONS OF ALEX!!!!! Actually, I'm writing thise because I think I need to know it too. So tah dah! Now go out there and dance in the bands of hurricane frances!
"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain." ~Author Unknown