Jun 12, 2006 16:04
Yeah. Didn't know what else to title the post. Needless to say, I'm excited(?).
This week is a busy one. I'm finally getting back into school, and I've got orientation/enrollment/etc all day tomorrow. Wednesday, Kira and I do a final walk-through of the new house before closing on it Thursday afternoon. Also on Thursday, Kira's family is coming down to visit us and help with the initial painting/flooring/move-in at the new house. We're planning on painting a few of the rooms, at least reflooring the living room and hallway (hopefully re-carpetting some of the rooms, too), and moving our bedframe into the house for some much-needed repainting. We've got several boxes of random storage stuff, and those might make the trip over to the house too.
This will all take up most of our weekend.
Monday is Kira's birthday, and her family is staying through part of the day so we can do something for her birthday together.
So yeah, huge new house. On Thursday. And we'll own it. No more of this stupid renting bullshit. Excitement barely describes how awesome this is.
new house