In Your Arms

Oct 28, 2008 05:01

Who: Sam & Dean
What: The boys wake up and discuss
When: The morning after this thread
Where: Their hotel room
Rating: NC-17
Status: Private, Nearing Completion
Warning: Again, Wincest is present. If it squicks you out, do not read.

The morning after is always the best. Unless it's the worst. )

dean winchester, *status-in progress, sam winchester, !closed

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ichasedemons October 28 2008, 13:50:35 UTC
Dean felt the slight movement. He was usually a sound sleeper but for some reason this morning the smallest things would wake him up.

"Good morning Sammy" he said stifling a yawn.

He stretched a little bit but laid his head back down on his brothers chest sighing happily.

He noticed the light coming through the window and knew it must have been hurting Sam. He was bound to still have his hangover and this is usually the time when he would pick on him and make him regret his decision to get drunk.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 20:42:25 UTC
"H-hey Dean," Sam whispered back, his heart nearly beating out of his chest as Dean lay his head back down on his chest. If not for the damned hangover, Sam would undoubtedly be figuring out something to say or do. But with the pounding in his head, Sam just settled for holding onto Dean, his lips curling happily. "mornin."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 20:48:32 UTC
"How's the hangover" Dean asked not able to keep the smirk off of his face as he looked up at him.

He was fighting the urge so bad to torment Sam. He wanted to, he wanted to tease him so bad, but after Sam consoling him last night he felt that the man earned a 'free pass' so to speak.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 20:52:42 UTC
"...Not so bad. So long as I don't open my eyes," Sam replied, the sound of Dean's breathing soothing him. "...You okay?"


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 20:56:21 UTC
"Yeah. I didn't have the nightmare again after I talked about what was going on in my dream."

He noticed the light again and got up and closed the curtain for Sam and then laid back down on the bed beside him.

"Thank you Sammy."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 21:00:02 UTC
As Dean got up, Sam groaned, all but knowing the torture Dean was about to exact on him, but then...

Sam blinked, opening his eyes finally and adjusting to the barely-lit eden of darkness the room provided. "...What?" he asked, his headache still bogging him down. "No torture this time?"


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 21:56:09 UTC
"Nah, you bought yourself a free pass last night."

Dean sat back down on the bed and looked down on his hungover brother.

"But keep in mind, it's only to be used once. Next time you won't be so lucky."


psychicsam October 28 2008, 22:32:16 UTC
Chuckling half-heartedly, Sam nodded. "I'll keep that in mind." Sam looked up at his brother, unsure whether or not to say anything. Then again, for Sam that choice usually had one clear answer.

"Dean... should we... talk?"


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 22:34:00 UTC
Dean shifted the way he was sitting and now had one leg on the bed and the other dangled off the side of the bed as he gave Sam his attention.

"You wanting to talk about last night Sammy?"

Dean knew that had to be what it was although if it wasn't he had just stuck his foot in his mouth.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 23:20:12 UTC
"Yeah." Sam blinked, wondering just what Dean was going to do or say. So, building up all the courage he had, Sam spoke honestly. "...Dean, yer my brother. And I know, this is fucked up even for us, but you're the only one who's always been there for me. And I wanna be here for you. As... as more than a brother."

He couldn't bring himself to look at Dean as he spoke, certain the other man was about to make some snarky comment or get freaked out and yell at him about how that's too twisted and how could he even think like that. He sat up on the opposite side of the bed, his head hanging low.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 23:28:15 UTC
Dean watched as Sam sat up on the opposite side of the bed and frowned a bit that he thought he was upset with him over last night.

"Sammy, you don't have to act like you're afraid to look at me. I'm not going to say anything or do anything."

He got up and stretched a bit and then walked over to the window looking out to see the sun shining through.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 23:33:39 UTC
...Well that was unexpected. "What? What do you mean yer not gonna say anything? Come on, Dean! I just bared my fucking soul to you and you act like you couldn't give two shits?!" He didn't mean to get angry, but Sam couldn't help but feel like Dean was just toying with him. And his headache was killing him and his stomach was starting to lurch again.


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 23:37:52 UTC
Dean smirked to himself when he heard Sam's words. He couldn't help himself. He had to play with him, it was in his nature.

He walked over to Sam and knelt down between the man's knees. He placed his finger under Sam's chin and lifted his head up.

"I was just messing with you Sammy, relax will you?"

With that Dean stood up tilting Sam's head up and kissed him before walking off to the bathroom and starting the shower.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 23:42:37 UTC
Sam was totally lost. What the fuck? So Dean was just messing with him... and kissing him? So did he feel the same then? Sam's head was spinning and as the sun continued to rise, the blinds did a less and less successful job of keeping the light out. He groaned, falling back on the bed and pulling a pillow over his head. What the fuck was going on?


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 23:52:06 UTC
Dean had waited a few moments for the water to get warm but Sam never moved from the bed. He went back out to the room and looked seeing him laying back on the bed.

"You know Sammy, a good warm shower might do you some good with that headache now get your ass up."

He reach down and grabbed the band of Sam's boxers and started tugging to get him to get up off of the bed.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 23:56:25 UTC
Sam froze as Dean grabbed him by the elastic and tugged, sitting up smoothly and looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "...Dean..." he said softly, looking up at his big brother. Well, if Dean refused to talk, so be it. They wouldn't talk.

Sam stood up, now having a good few inches on Dean before he leaned in and once again kissed Dean on the lips, this time with purpose. He wouldn't be able to blame it on the alcohol this time, wouldn't be able to make up an excuse. And he didn't want to. He was serious. His arms wrapped tightly around Dean's strong body, holding him close and leaning down into the warm heat of Dean's mouth.


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