In Your Arms

Oct 28, 2008 05:01

Who: Sam & Dean
What: The boys wake up and discuss
When: The morning after this thread
Where: Their hotel room
Rating: NC-17
Status: Private, Nearing Completion
Warning: Again, Wincest is present. If it squicks you out, do not read.

The morning after is always the best. Unless it's the worst. )

dean winchester, *status-in progress, sam winchester, !closed

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Comments 137

ichasedemons October 28 2008, 13:50:35 UTC
Dean felt the slight movement. He was usually a sound sleeper but for some reason this morning the smallest things would wake him up.

"Good morning Sammy" he said stifling a yawn.

He stretched a little bit but laid his head back down on his brothers chest sighing happily.

He noticed the light coming through the window and knew it must have been hurting Sam. He was bound to still have his hangover and this is usually the time when he would pick on him and make him regret his decision to get drunk.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 20:42:25 UTC
"H-hey Dean," Sam whispered back, his heart nearly beating out of his chest as Dean lay his head back down on his chest. If not for the damned hangover, Sam would undoubtedly be figuring out something to say or do. But with the pounding in his head, Sam just settled for holding onto Dean, his lips curling happily. "mornin."


ichasedemons October 28 2008, 20:48:32 UTC
"How's the hangover" Dean asked not able to keep the smirk off of his face as he looked up at him.

He was fighting the urge so bad to torment Sam. He wanted to, he wanted to tease him so bad, but after Sam consoling him last night he felt that the man earned a 'free pass' so to speak.


psychicsam October 28 2008, 20:52:42 UTC
"...Not so bad. So long as I don't open my eyes," Sam replied, the sound of Dean's breathing soothing him. "...You okay?"


ichasedemons October 29 2008, 00:28:38 UTC
Dean could feel Sam's hardness but it didn't bother him at all. In fact if he had his way both of them were going to be in the shower anyway.

Once in the bathroom Dean quirked an eyebrow.

"Since the water has ran for a little bit I guess we should really just shower at the same time so that one of us don't have to have a cold shower. I hate cold showers" Dean said.

He looked to Sam and slowly dropped his boxers to the floor stepping out of them.


psychicsam October 29 2008, 00:33:14 UTC
Sam knew it was a ludicrous reason. It was a hotel. And hotels had enough hot water for entire floors to leave their water running. But he wasn't going to argue. "Yeah. I guess so," Sam agreed, tugging down on his own boxers and licking his lips at the sight of Dean standing before him. Tugging open the door, the wall of steam was palpable as he entered, waiting for Dean to follow. He couldn't believe this was really happening. But god, he wouldn't trade it for the world.


ichasedemons October 29 2008, 00:38:10 UTC
Dean stepped into the shower right after Sam did. He had saw the look on Sam's face and he knew that the man didn't fall for the trick about the water running out. At least he didn't argue to taking a shower with him.

Dean closed the door back and then looked to Sam his eyes looking up and down the body in front of him.

"You do have a nice body" he said letting his hand run from shoulders down to his stomach.


psychicsam October 29 2008, 00:45:02 UTC
"You too," Sam replied, leaning down to kiss Dean first on his shoulder, then up his neck. Seeing Dean's entire body, his... perfect body, made Sam a bit uneasy. After Dean had come back, it was like no one had ever laid a finger on him. No cuts, no scars, no bruises. When Sam had come back from the dead, he'd still been covered in the reminders of every old villain they'd faced. "," he whispered, soap in-hand, "turn around."


ichasedemons October 29 2008, 03:20:51 UTC
Dean nodded his head agreeing with what Sam said. No more deals, no more sacrificing. He couldn't really say he wouldn't sacrifice himself to save Sam because he would if he had to. It was just something he would be lying about if he said he would do it.

"I look at the fucked up part a little differently as well" Dean said looking up into his brothers eyes.

"Love is love...there is no right and wrong."


psychicsam October 29 2008, 03:23:54 UTC
Sam's lips curled up as he ducked down, kissing Dean tenderly on the lips. "...Show me?" he whispered, one hand sliding down Dean's perfect, smooth body, squeezing his ass. "Please?


ichasedemons October 29 2008, 03:26:48 UTC
Dean kissed him back and grinned at the request. He took Sam's hand and led him towards the bed pushing him into it. He went over and flipped the handle on the door to the 'do not disturb' setting before making his way back to the bed.

He crawled into the bed and over top of Sam pressing his lips to the man's passionately, only now it was his tongue asking for entrance as his hands ran along Sam's hips almost getting to the man's jewels.


psychicsam October 29 2008, 03:29:27 UTC
Sam whimpered into the kiss, opening his mouth and letting Dean take the lead. One hand ran up Dean's sides, simply craving the contact between himself and his brother. His lover. His everything.


ichasedemons October 31 2008, 18:52:28 UTC
"What are you thanking me for Sammy" he asked unsure what he had done.


psychicsam October 31 2008, 18:56:57 UTC
"Everything," Sam replied, holding Dean tight to his body. "Maybe... maybe we should see if they've got a room with a King? Instead of the double Queens?" He wasn't sure why he was nervous about asking, but he still didn't know how Dean felt about other people. As far as everyone else knew, they were just buddies, so them being gay wouldn't be too big of a shock. Hell, there were plenty of gay people in Canada! But something told Sam that a relationship that occurred out in the open with another guy was just not something Dean was interested in. And Sam was fine with that. He'd gotten what he'd wished for.


ichasedemons October 31 2008, 19:00:50 UTC
"Do you really want a room with just a king bed" Dean said arching an eyebrow and looking at Sam before wrapping his arms around him tightly again.

"If you really want one I can see if I can score us one. Shouldn't be to hard."


psychicsam October 31 2008, 19:03:12 UTC
Shrugging, the youngest Winchester brought his head back down to rest on Dean's shoulder. "Only if you want to."


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