Who: Tex.. Narative, unless anyone wants to show up for this..
When: A few days after the earthquake.
Where: Ianto's house Tex's house
What: Tex has found herself a new home!
Rating: PG13 for random swearing possibilites.
Status: Finished (Or Open?)
Tex had gone house-hunting after having dragged Dr. Horrible out of the rubble of what was left of his house, with the help of Barbie. She had dropped him off at the makeshift hospital, checked out the Angry Doctor's ass, taken his forceps, and had dug the bullet out of her thigh. Following that, she'd begun scouting for new places to live. And she had come across this lovely, quaint house of Baker Street, with tons of.. were those lawn gnomes?.. in front of it. It didn't looklike there was any structural damage, so she'd gone right up and knocked. After waiting ten seconds, she'd kicked in the door and taken a look around.. after finding no one there, she had staked her claim on the house.
It was now hers.
And then she had gone about her business of finding Dr. Horrible's house again, digging out some of his belongings, and paying him a visit. She'd let him know that he owed her a favor, had left his things, and had gone back to her new home to relax for a few days. But today wasn't a day of relaxation. Not by a long shot. Tex had been busy all morning. First, she had gone back to her own ship and had salvaged her MJOLNIR armor, as well as a few pieces of the ship that had survived, among other things, and she had brought them back to the house and stashed them in the garage. But now came the hard part. With the front door fixed, Tex had begun to go through everything in her new house, planning on throwing out anything she didn't like. The suits, she would keep (they would fit her). The shoes had to go, and they ended up in a pile on the front lawn (joining the pileof gnomes she'd already made), along with several pairs of boxers, and any pink shirts or ties she had come across.
What sort of man wore pink?
Any photos of family and friends had also been thrown into the growing pile, along with any books that she felt were stupid and useless. Coffee makers had been thrown outside, tea pots, any tea cups and their dainty little saucers -- and some sheets, which were nothing she'd be caught sleeping on. A toothbrush, some deoderant, a few pieces of furniture that she found tacky, a lamp or two, and some of the art that had been on the walls (it looked like vomit on canvas, not a picture, it had to go!). Also, some DVDs had been tossed out. Casablanca.
What the fuck sort of man watched Casablanca?
The Sound of Music. The Pricess Bride. The King And I. Okay. She was obviously moving into a fag's house. All the sheets were thrown outside, and she was turning all of the couch cushions over. And after about three hours of tearing the house apart so it would suit her needs, she was finally moving to stand on the porch and cross her arms over her chest with a smile. She could get used to this.