(no subject)

Sep 13, 2008 00:30

Who: Xander and Buffy.
When: Friday night.
Where: The graveyard.
Status: Open.
Rating: PG.

The wind held a stinging chill to it as it brushed over the Slayer's face. The town seemed all asleep in a silent and eerie peace. This is what she needed at the moment, though. A nice quiet night out was what she had planned. Not that it ever went as planned. That’s why she had a stake handy. Not one that was well carved, but one that was home made and very sharp. It would do the trick if a vampire did indeed show up. Or anything else that decided the Slayer looked tasty.

Wrapping her arms around her chest, Buffy let her mind wander in memories long put aside in the brain box marked; don’t ever read!

When you mixed that with the bad that was found by a certain someone… well, that meant Broadway.

“Why didn’t he call?” Her voice started off low and each word perfectly, as well as Buffy could muster, in sync with the other. “I dreamt about him for so long. He haunted my dreams and oh no, I’m…” A beat, “Siiiiiiiiiiiiinging.” Then her voice picked up in pitch, and her arms spread out, body spinning in swirl. “I can still hear his voice in my eaaaaaaaaaaaar.” She was in full singing mode now. “Telling me that I had nothing to feeeeeeeear.” With her eyes wide in horror, Buffy desperately tried to regain the control of her body and of her voice.

No such luck. She was a slave to the song. “This is insane! Something is wrong hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I have to phone Giles and tell him that I’m stranded in hell agaaaaaaaaaaaaain!” Her feet kicked up and the tiny blonde found herself doing some fancy foot work that had her heart beating a mile a minute. “This is no coincidenceeeeeeeeeeeeee.” Pulling out the cell phone from the messenger bag, Buffy held it up towards the sky and dialed away, only to get a no reception code. “This is a demon’s dooooooooooing. I have to hurry, but my cell isn’t wooooooooooooooorking.” Shoulders slumping, Buffy reacted out of impulse and tossed her cell to the ground.

song curse, buffy summers, *status-complete, xander harris

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