(no subject)

Aug 08, 2011 02:45

Who: Blaine, Kurt, some Sirens, and appearances by Damien
What: Monster!Plot; Blaine is dragged off by sirens and Kurt has to use the power of music, love and GODDAMN NINJA SKILLZ to save him
When: Sunday evening to Monday night
Where: By the lake, in the lake, various spots around town
Rating: PG

As far as nights in this town went, this was a good one. The best one, probably, since... well, since he and Kurt's first date. The one they'd actually chosen to go on, and hadn't ended in a slap. Or a cyclops. But tonight, tonight things were looking pretty damn bright again. Blaine's main indication of that? The cell phone in his hand, buzzing cheerfully every few minutes, a witty or clever or simply nice text message answering whatever (probably) lame one he'd sent moments before.

Blaine felt a little like nothing could touch him as he walked through the park, lit by a few streetlamps and moonlight, texting Kurt and humming. He even danced a little; there was hardly anyone around anyway. Just a few couples, and they were wrapped up in each other. Good things were going to happen soon, he just knew it. And he had a feeling they'd have something to do with the boy at the other end of his text conversation.

Blaine reached the lake's shore and smiled as he stood there and looked out on the calm, sparkling water. His phone buzzed again and he smiled harder as he read the text. He opened a new message and started to text back, but he'd only managed to key in two letters when he heard it.

A voice. Soft, distant, but almost painful in its beauty. Blaine stopped humming, hand holding his phone lowering to his side as he listened. The singing grew louder. It was a woman's voice, and Blaine suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe. Breathing could shatter the most beautiful song he'd ever heard in his life.

He stepped closer to the water, all thoughts gone beyond one: Need to hear. Must listen. Have to get closer. The small waves were lapping against his shoes now, but he didn't notice. The singing was so pure, so clear, the melody melancholy, even heartbreaking.

Have to know who is singing. Have to help her. Have to make her not be sad anymore. Have to be with her forever. Have to hear her sing, every day, always. Where is she... where...

Numb and thoughtless, Blaine smiled when the mermaids arose from the water. Long, straggly hair, dangerously sharp teeth, tails with fins that thrashed in the water, hungry glints in their eyes. But Blaine didn't see any of that... he only saw the most beautiful creatures he'd ever seen in his life. And they were holding their hands out for him. He would go, he would go willingly. There you are. Please keep singing. Take me with you. I want to come with you. I love you, please keep singing...

By the time the creatures had dragged Blaine into the water and deposited him in a cave, he was already unconscious.

kurt hummel, blaine anderson, damien wayne

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