Atonement, of sorts

Aug 01, 2011 22:36

Who: Nobody Owens, Neil Perry
What: An apology, a thank-you, and a promise kept
Where:'s a surprise!
When: Monday evening
Why: ...because?
Status: Sort of illegal, incomplete

There was a card left on the counter. )

nobody owens, neil perry

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owingnobody August 8 2011, 06:30:55 UTC
Clinging to Neil's assurance that he'd be great, Bod wandered back to the mic stand and picked up the microphone, his fingers trembling so hard he almost dropped it. Taking a deep breath, he shoved his free hand into his pocket and looked down, thinking back over the words to the song and remindng himself why he picked it.

When he finally started to sing, it was without preamble or warning- he didn't even look up, but simply lifted the mic to his lips. "We got the afternoon," he sang. "You got this room for two. One thing I've left to do- discover me, discovering you." At last, he lifted his head, a focus and an intensity in his gray eyes that bears none of the nervousness of the moments before the song. Though he has none of the performing skill that so many of his friends possess, he does manage to draw a listener's attention, through his earnest sincerity. He means every word he says.

"One mile to every inch of your skin like porcelain," he continued. The low, husky quality of the song actually worked in his favor- he didn't have to try hard to get the sound right. "One pair of candy lips and your bubble-gum tongue."

He'd voiced a concern to Kurt that maybe the song was too intimate. It certainly spoke of things that he'd never discussed with another living soul. But with an audience of one, he definitely didn't feel self-conscious. "And if you want love, we'll make it. Swim in a deep sea of blankets... And take all your big plans and break 'em-- this is bound to be a while..."


notdead_poet August 8 2011, 07:31:20 UTC
Even before the song had started, Neil couldn't help but think how lovely Bod looked up there in the dim lights, nervous and shaky as he may have been. In fact, if anything, those features only added to his attractiveness. It was part of what Neil had fallen in love with, after all. Shy, sweet, adorably awkward Bod, who could turn around and be outgoing and assertive and self-assured in half a minute flat.

Like now, for instance. When the song started, and Neil met Bod's eyes, it was like he suddenly forgot he was supposed to be performing. Because he wasn't really. He was simply... speaking, talking to Neil, with a stage and music and his soft, lilting voice to say what he was thinking.

Neil blushed listening to the words, but he also smiled, his heart full and his eyes focused on nothing but his wonderful, beautiful boyfriend. Singing about them, about their time together, their time together, and where Neil may have been embarrassed or nervous a year ago, now, the words Bod sang only filled him with images of some of the happiest, most perfect moments of his life.


owingnobody August 8 2011, 16:04:24 UTC
"Your body is a wonderland... Your body is a wonder- I'll use my hands." Bod couldn't help but be pleased. He hadn't been entirely sure what Neil's reaction would be, though he'd gotten Kurt's seal of approval. The look on Neil's face now, though, was exactly what he'd hoped it would be.

"Something 'bout the way your hair falls in your face," he continued. He loved this song for the images it conjured up. The first time they'd ever made love in the daytime, he'd been self-conscious all over again... Until he realized that he loved being able to see Neil's face, and every little detail of his expression. "I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase." Not that they'd always been in the bedroom... It was a little trickier now that Sherlock lived in the house with them, but that almost added to the excitement of a forbidden tryst in the kitchen. Or the living room... The bathroom door locked, so that didn't count. "You tell me where to go and, though I may leave to find it, I'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it." Bod wasn't sure what that line meant, or how it was even possible, but it was one of his favorites. It was the "I'll always be there to catch you" line- and the sentiment was so true (even if Neil did the catching half the time).


notdead_poet August 9 2011, 03:05:36 UTC
Neil's eyes were still trained on Bod, and as he sang the line that meant so much to him-- and instantly, to Neil-- Bod's figure started to blur at the edges a little. Oh gosh, no, he was not crying. He rubbed the back of his hand along his eyes and took a breath, relieved when no tears escaped. He wasn't even sure what had caused them to gather at all. He was just... overcome, he supposed. He and Bod had been together and comfortable for so long now, it seemed incredible that they could still keep falling like this. And yet, there it was.

He wanted nothing more in that moment to jump up from that chair and onto that stage, capture Bod in his arms and maybe... maybe act out some of the words of this song. But at the same time, he wanted nothing more than to let him finish his performance. He wanted to hear every word, every note until the end. What was more, he wanted to be able to pocket the sound of Bod's voice on the melody so he could listen to it on days he felt down.


owingnobody August 9 2011, 04:06:32 UTC
He was just starting into the pre-chorus again when he saw Neil rub his eyes. His attention sharpened, his eyebrows drawing together just a little, but he relaxed when he saw his Bunny didn't seem to be upset. With a little grin, he finished the chorus, and launched into the bridge. "Damn baby..." With a little shake of his head, he added, "you frus-ter-ate me." He smiled, in the space between words, softening the ones that came before-- he knew what was coming next. "I know you're mine, all mine, all mine... but you look so good it hurts sometimes." And wasn't that the truth. Like... like right now. Why was he up on the stage, and Neil still in his chair? There was nothing but musical interlude for at least twenty seconds-- that was plenty of time.

Crossing to the edge of the stage, he reached out a hand to pull Neil up onto the stage with him. When he didn't react quickly enough, Bod hopped down, grabbed his hand and tugged him to his feet, putting an arm around his waist and dancing with him for the remainder of the musical break. And when the verse started up again, he didn't even need the microphone.

"Your body is a wonderland," he half-sang, half-whispered in Neil's ear. "Your body is a wonder-- I'll use my hands... your body is a wonderla-a-and!" And he spun him around, humming the "la-di-da" notes of the outtro as he went.


notdead_poet August 9 2011, 23:20:49 UTC
It didn't take long to realize what Bod was doing. Neil let himself be pulled up and laughed brightly as he fell against Bod. He wrapped his arm around Bod's middle and leaned his head against his shoulder, smiling. He thought of the first time they danced like this... New Years. Unchained Melody. A few too many drinks and a little too much said, and yet everything perfectly right.

He spun when Bod spun him, then pulled him closer again and swayed until his singing faded away. "Thank you," he said quietly in the silence that followed. He lifted his head and kissed Bod deeply, in case his words didn't adequately show his gratitude.


owingnobody August 10 2011, 06:08:10 UTC
"Mmm..." said Bod. After a long moment, he came up for air, then leaned in and kissed Neil again. "Maybe I should do this sort of thing more often," he murmured, playfully, against Neil's lips.

A moment or two longer, and he forced himself to take a half-step back before he let himself get carried away-- and it would be easy to do, at this point. "So, what do you want to do now?" he asked, his voice still a little husky, a little breathless. "We could go get dinner, or drink champagne and go dancing..." he winked teasingly at that one. Then, unable to help himself, he stepped back in close again, kissing the corner of Neil's mouth, nibbling on the line of his jaw. "Or we could just go home..."


notdead_poet August 11 2011, 05:59:23 UTC
Neil shivered a little, then smiled and ran his fingers through Bod's mussed brown hair. "Hmmm..." he glanced upward, as if he had to think really hard about this. "I say we save time and money, and drink champagne and go dancing in the living room. Like New Year's." He nuzzled in close to Bod's ear-- time to return the shiver. "But this time I won't stop you if you want to take the dance somewhere else."


owingnobody August 12 2011, 00:52:11 UTC
Bod scrunched his shoulders reflexively as Neil's return-shiver made it's way down his spine. Before it had even completely passed, he tightened his grip around Neil's waist and spun the both of them around, taking Neil's right hand in his left. "Ha!" he laughed. "Sounds like a perfect evening to me!" Leaning over, he dipped Neil just a little, before asking, "Is there anything we need to pick up on the way home?"


notdead_poet August 13 2011, 21:03:31 UTC
"Don't think so. I think we just need to get home," Neil answered with a laugh, pulling up from the dip and kissing Bod's cheek. "Just you watch, this will be the first night in history that Sherlock decides to come out of his room and socialize," he gave a mock-dramatic little groan.


owingnobody August 13 2011, 21:24:08 UTC
"Ohhh- he would, too, wouldn't he?" Bod said. "He's just perverse enough to do something like that, isn't he? He has a sense about these things." Grabbing Neil's hand, he said, "We'll just have to... act... like we aren't doing anything worth interrupting." Grinning, he said, "Think we can handle that?"


notdead_poet August 14 2011, 18:46:40 UTC
Neil laughed and nodded. "I've been told I'm a rather decent actor." He lifted Bod's hand to his lips and then lowered it with a squeeze. "C'mon, Beautiful. Let's go home."

He let go of Bod's hand and settled his arm around his back as they started to head for the door. "In case I hadn't made it clear enough before, that song was amazing."


owingnobody August 15 2011, 04:14:02 UTC
"Funny, I've heard something similar," said Bod. "Rather decent, yes."

Allowing himself to be led, he wrapped an arm around Neil's shoulders. "Yes," he said. "Mr. Mayer wrote a nice piece of music, there, didn't he? I should write him a letter to thank him."


notdead_poet August 15 2011, 04:25:22 UTC
"Damn straight you have," Neil grinned, squeezing Bod around the middle and carefully stepping over some of the fallen ceiling pieces on the way to the door.

Then he shook his head, looking sideways at Bod, still smiling. "No, you don't have to. It wasn't him that made it amazing. It was all you." He hadn't exactly meant to make the moment so saccharine, but then, that was often the case when it came to Bod, and he wouldn't change it for the world.


owingnobody August 15 2011, 04:40:33 UTC
"But you're not partial or anything," said Bod, turning to grin at his Bunny. He hadn't been trying to make Neil be saccharine; he'd been deflecting the attention off himself, like he always did. Or trying to. It didn't make a great deal of sense for him to try, when he'd just done something that had drawn a lot of attention to himself.

So, he attempted to be gracious instead. "Thanks," he said quietly.


notdead_poet August 15 2011, 04:53:49 UTC
Neil put his free hand to his heart in mock offense. "Moi? Partial? To you? Ha." He stopped for a moment just as they reached the door, turning to Bod to respond to the thank you that ordinarily, Bod might have continued to self-deprecate instead of giving. "You're welcome. But I think I mostly owe the thanks here." He kissed him again lightly before starting to move again, holding the door open for him.

"You know now that no one is angry with you, right? And, don't get me wrong I'm really, really glad you did this. But you know you didn't have to, to make me happy with you?"


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