Dona nobis pacem

Dec 07, 2010 01:23

Who: Dok and Integra
When: Backdated to about a week after the second incident with Alucard
What: Mending what's been broken
Rating: R to be safe
Status: Closed, in progress
Notes: RPing with yourself is pretty weird, isn't it? But these two need to talk in order to move forward with both of their plots, so I'll concede to being weird.

True though it was that it had been nearly a week since Alucard had been sent on his latest mission to destroy Millennium's only surviving operative, he had only formally reported to Integra the night before, though not necessarily of his own volition. In a moment of frustration, she'd demanded to know the specifics of what had been done, and the only way that he could adequately explain was to share with her the memories that he had obtained when he drank from the doctor.

All of them.

Needless to say, the overwhelming emotional toll that the event took on her -- from both the doctor's emotions as well as her own -- had landed her where she was now; sitting in a hospital bed, staring out the window, trying to erase the thoughts that had been plaguing her ever since.

She had long since sent Alucard back to the hotel, despite his protests. Even though the information she'd been given wholly exonerated her former target, she still had a lot to work through, and she preferred to do it alone.

It hadn't been that man's fault. As sure as she was sitting there, she knew that. She remembered distinctly feeling every ounce of his hesitation, as well as the nerve-racking fear of the consequences that awaited resistance. He wasn't the diabolical butcher of her nightmares; the cold-hearted villain that she so often imagined him to be. But as reassuring as that was in terms of how close he resided to her, it left her feeling...empty, in a way. There was no one left to hold responsible for what happened to the person she was missing. While she believed that he was a monster, her grief had an outlet in the anger, but now it was all so displaced...

All at once she remembers the vehemence with which he protested the surgery. She remembers the shaking she felt in her hands before she passed out and ended up here. The steadily increasing beep of her heart monitor accentuates it, but she tries to calm down the moment that she feels the corners of her vision begin to fade again. Her eyes squeeze shut and she forces the tears away, her quivering heart forced to steady to little avail. She knows she has to pace herself, but there's so much that needs to be processed all at once, and it isn't like she can just not think about it.

Just once, she wishes for a call from the Vatican to get her mind on positively anything but this.

integra hellsing, dok

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