(no subject)

Nov 27, 2010 01:16

Who: Arthur and Morgana
What: I'm assuming they're going to try and talk again. Always an adventure (alternately, this is me getting Nathalie to play moar!)
When: Saturday Morning. Ish?
Where: The Castle
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Arthur wakes early every morning. It wasn't a personal choice, more a habit gone horribly wrong, and when he had to roll over Merlin to even get out of bed, he did it was a great deal of reluctance. For a moment, he laid sprawled over Merlin, trying to wrap him in the warmth he always dearly seemed to need, Arthur kissed his brow, finding the way his face would relax further into sleep after the action hilarious, if not painfully endearing before bodily throwing himself off the bed to the cold floor. The jolt served to chase the remaining sleep from his mind.

He let his body work through the familiar routine of tucking in Merlin, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door, snagging Daisy by the collar as he went. He nudged the drowsing dog through the door toward the castle entrance and was already freezing by the time he even got to the damn outer door. It was going to be one of those mornings, the sort not even Daisy enjoyed being out in and he was damn well determined to get it over with fast so he could take a long, heated shower.

They stepped out into the chill, standing on the front step far longer than prudent before Arthur gave Daisy an exasperated nudge out onto the path.

morgana, arthur pendragon

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