A very cupcake welcome!

Nov 25, 2010 15:14

Who: Dok, Wesley and The Doctor
When: Wednesday November 25, 2010. 6:43 pm.
What: Meeting The Doctor
Rating: C for cupcakes!
Status: Closed, in-progress

Dok had just finished putting the final touches on the cupcakes that he'd promised to the new doctor in town a few minutes earlier and was now on his way to the living room with a few cinnamon sugar discs that he'd saved for Wesley. It had been a few weeks now since they'd made themselves official, and if they were totally honest, not much had changed. The only difference between them lied in the comfort of their silences with the knowledge that there wasn't anything being left unsaid, and the spontaneous displays of affection when they were alone (not that they weren't pretty much doing that already).

Once in the living room, instead of sitting down beside his partner on the couch, he stood behind it and leaned down, offering the small plate in front of the brunette with a kiss to his cheek. "This is for not stealing too many tastes while I was baking," he said with a smile.

From his place, he could see the clock beside the couch and noted that it was almost time for their guest to arrive. It was surreal, he thought -- someone showing up in town that he of all people seemed to have things in common with. More than that, someone that was all too willing to help them get back to Wesley's time.

As soon as he was sure that the plate had been secured in his partner's hands, he finally did move to have a seat beside him. "As naive as it might be for me to say, I've actually got a good feeling about this," he admitted with a fair amount of confidence. For as oblivious as Dok could be, his intuition made him a pretty good judge of character, and everything he'd seen from this other doctor had seemed to check out. "Of course I say that with a healthy amount of caution, but he seems to be among the more open-minded people that I've seen in this town, which lends itself to agreeable situations."

As did cupcakes. Really, what better way to welcome someone than with a cupcake?

wesley crusher, the doctor, dok

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