Never Wake a Sleeping Dragon

Sep 18, 2010 09:15

Who: Hermione Granger and the residents of Wes's house
What: Checking up on a friend
Where: ...Wes's house. And maybe Dok's too.
When: First thing Saturday morning
Why: Because public forum posts can make a person worry.

Irrational fears weren't really her forte. )

wesley crusher, james tiberius kirk, hermione granger

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vinewood_wand September 18 2010, 18:02:36 UTC
Stunned, she blinked up at him. "Thanks for noticing," she said, breathlessness tempering the acid in her tone. He was probably lucky he'd tackled her-- her wand was already out, and she had a hair-trigger response to hex people if they startled her while her guard was up. But, really, she wished he hadn't. After a brief, panicky inventory of her own well being-- she was fine, though she'd probably have some bruises-- she looked at him shrewdly.

"You... aren't Wes," she said, suspiciously. For one thing, he was older, and she'd never known Wes to tackle strangers. (But then, she'd never broken into his house before, so how could she know for certain?) And he was... wearing next to nothing, and if she let herself get a good look at him, she would probably think he could have given Cedric Diggory a run for his money. No-- Cedric would have probably been chasing him down the street.

Which didn't let him off the hook, as far as she was concerned. Sitting up, she pointed her wand at him and said, "I'm looking for Wes. Some strange person was threatening him on the forums last night-- and when I come to his house, there's some strange person here. So all I have to say is, he better be all right, or you are going to be very sorry."


notyomammaskirk September 18 2010, 18:24:39 UTC
He looked almost cross eyed at the stick she was pointing at him. Her body language said he should be wary but really? A stick?

"Why are you pointing a stick at me?" He put one finger on the stick and pushed it away from his face. "And I'm not telling you where Wes is till you prove to me you aren't some, some, critter he was all freaked out about."


vinewood_wand September 18 2010, 20:10:40 UTC
"Oh, for heaven's sake," she said, with considerable asperity. "Do I look like a 'critter'? Or anything else that he might actively be afraid of?" Then again, maybe she did. "Don't answer that. I'm Hermione-- I'm a friend of Wes's." Pointedly, she added, "I was here a few days ago, and while there are things about this town I admittedly still don't remember, I think I would recall seeing you here." Looking him over, she said, "Since you claim to have spoken to Wes about whatever "freaked him out", and you're running around his house in your underthings, I can assume that you're not the one responsible for that... incident on the forums last night. And that's a good thing," she added, waving her wand for emphasis. Sparks burst from its tip-- but she had it safely pointed towards the ceiling, so they fizzled harmlessly in the air over her shoulder. "Otherwise, you'd be having a long conversation with the wrong end of my 'stick'."


notyomammaskirk September 19 2010, 01:34:13 UTC
Kirk raised an eyebrow, it was all he could do to stop himself from muttering "ooo sparkly stick." He stopped himself because that wouldn't be captainly or well even mature.

"Hey, I was perfectly happy sleeping before you broke in. Which you managed to do without opening the door. I know you can't beam in, so how the hell did you...and, I'm Jim Kirk, Wes's temporary house mate."


vinewood_wand September 19 2010, 03:21:54 UTC
"I Apparated," she said, with as much dignity as she could muster. "I... meant to arrive on the front step. I must have miscalculated." Which was odd, too. How had that happened? "Look-- maybe this was a bad idea. I was just worried... worried about Dok. Only I don't know Dok as well as Wes-- I didn't want to just go barging in there, assuming things and asking awkward questions..." A little shame-faced, she added, "and I certainly didn't mean to wake you up. I am sorry about that."


notyomammaskirk September 19 2010, 16:57:48 UTC
"Ah-par-tay-ted?" Kirk squinted at the woman, "Is that some type of beaming? Wes said this was a no beaming zone?"

"Eh, no problem, sorry for tackling you, in my job, when the weird hits, you tend to go on the offensive." he smiled self consciously, "Since it's usually, you know, trying to kill me and my crew."

He hauled himself up and the polite Midwestern farm-boy came to the fore as he extended a hand to the nice pregnant lady who could make wood spark. Interesting technology that, "Need some help?"


vinewood_wand September 19 2010, 20:59:37 UTC
"Apparated," she corrected him. "It's... magical transport. Hence the wand?" She held it up again for a moment, then tucked it into her purse. It didn't seem she'd be needing it desperately, at least for the time being.

"It's all right," she said. "If someone I didn't know appeared suddenly inside my house, I'd probably tackle them too. Well," she amended. "I'd probably hex them. Tackling is sort of on the no-no list, at the moment." Pulling a rueful expression, she said, "But rest assured, I will not be attempting to kill you today."

Oh, but he was cute. Returning the smile, she took his outstretched hand. "Yes, thank you," she replied. "But go slow-- I don't want to add fainting to my list of clever, successful things I've done this morning."


notyomammaskirk October 1 2010, 02:26:48 UTC
Kirk smirked and slowly lifted the pretty young, well, pretty young pregnant woman to her feet.

He worked though the last bit of conversation with the genius brain Bones always liked to make fun of him for.

"Wait magic? You mean really advanced technology right?"

Yeah, why someone would put advanced tech into a stick that did things, he didn't know but he'd seen weirder out there.


vinewood_wand October 2 2010, 02:57:32 UTC
She let herself stand all the way up-- find her balance, make sure a crazy head-rush didn't eclipse her equilibrium-- before she attempted to answer his question. "It's only advanced technology," she said, "if by that you mean ancient practices for conducting and directing inherent magical ability. The things I learned in school have been practiced by witches and wizards for hundreds, even thousands of years." She grinned at him, trying to pretend that the mere sight of him didn't make her feel dowdy and altogether unattractive. "And let me tell you-- modern technology has no place in the life of a witch or wizard. They simply have no use for it."


notyomammaskirk October 2 2010, 03:44:21 UTC
He just raised an eyebrow at her, "Magic? Right."

Kirk had met plenty of beings who thought that there technology was magic, he was just going to ignore the claim and move on.

"Right, now if you would just let me get some pants on..." He gestured down to his boxers, "we can see about some coffee or something."


vinewood_wand October 2 2010, 04:01:26 UTC
Hermione opened her mouth, then closed it again. Chances were good that she wasn't going to outright convince him of the reality of magic, simply by telling him about it. And randomly pulling out parlor tricks usually didn't work any better. So she just shrugged, smiled, and said, "If it isn't magic, then you tell me how I got in the house. Past your extremely sensitive door-ward technology."

Several thoughts came to mind when he spoke of getting some pants on-- some of which ("...don't rush on my account.") took her completely by surprise. She hoped she wasn't blushing when she said, "...right. You do that, and I'll... meet you in the kitchen."


notyomammaskirk October 2 2010, 19:21:24 UTC
Kirk smirked as he noted the various reactions he was causing.

He went back to his little nest he'd been creating in the living room, he pulled his pants from the pile along with his communicator and the phaser. He slipped his uniform pants on and stashed the phaser in the waistband of the pants along his back. No reason to freak her out, but no reason to not be prepared anyway.

Kirk dashed over to the main bedroom, the pants would pass for this time period, the rest of his uniform, not so much.

After he opened the closet all he could think was how he was going to have to school Wes up a bit in the fashion department. How many ugly ass sweaters did a man need? He might not be an expert in this time period, but my god, those were ugly in any time period.

He found a blue t-shirt and a button up shirt and slipped them on, ehh, it fit close enough, if he just unbuttoned the sleeves and left the button up shirt open.

Kirk looked in the mirror quickly and tried to make sure the worst of the friz was gone before heading back into the kitchen.

He finally went back to the kitchen and was thankful to notice that the woman, Hermione, was still there.

"So, what do ya want?"


vinewood_wand October 2 2010, 20:47:01 UTC
Hearing his approach, Hermione turned from her- discreet- investigation of the cabinets. ...the addition of clothes should have made things better, not worse. Now quite sure she was blushing, she quickly turned back to the cabinet. "Um," she said, clearing her throat. "Wes has coffee-- it's in the cabinet next to the icebox-- but I'd prefer tea, if that's all right with you." Of course, Wes kept it on the top shelf, just out of her reach. "Probably very-- stereotypically British of me..." Standing on tiptoe, she attempted to get her fingertips on the box. If I could an inch or two closer to the counter, this would be much easier! Not for the first time, and not even for the first time that morning, she guiltily wished that she wasn't pregnant. The thought always made her upset with herself, and in this case it made her stubbornly determined to get that box of tea manually-- without the help of her wand.

If only she wasn't so short!


notyomammaskirk October 3 2010, 01:11:22 UTC
"Let me get that," he stretched up and knocked the tea forward off the shelf so she could catch it. Then he started opening cabinets looking for the tea pot.

"Tea's fine with me, my firs...friend likes it and it's rubbed off on me a bit."

Ugh, he was still waking up, if he's been in his right mind he wouldn't have slipped in front of a 'civilian'/


vinewood_wand October 3 2010, 04:10:52 UTC
First... she thought to herself. First what?
She decided not to pry. After all, he was kind enough not to be all "He-man" about reaching the tea. Feeling it land in her hand had deflated a great deal of her frustration.

Joining him in his quest to find the kettle, she said, "So how do you know Wes?"


notyomammaskirk October 3 2010, 21:04:58 UTC
Kirk smiled, at her relief as the tea fell into her hand. He'd read her body language right. Never let it be said that Kirk didn't know how to read people. He just chose to ignore what he read at times. Well, at least humans, he was figuring out Vulcans, although, Spock would say that there was no body language.

"Sucess!" Kirk crowed when he found the teapot stashed with the pots. He pulled it out and went over to the faucet. He filled it with water and then went over to the stove.

"Wes and I..." he downplayed, "well, we come from the same neck of the woods." He stared at the stove, trying to figure out how it worked again. Wes had given him a quick lesson but, yeah, he'd managed to forget and it was just different enough to be a pain in the ass.


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