You Only Live Twice

May 31, 2010 22:56

Who: Adam Carter and open!
What: Adam really really really needs to meet some very nice, very good new people. Or some not-so good people.
When: Evening, after it gets cool.
Where: Anywhere on the streets of Aternaville.
Rating: P for please play with Adam. He's pretty, and he's a nice bloke.
Status: Open and incomplete.

Gradually, over recent months, the house that had been Toshiko Sato's had grown empty. One by one, the people who had inhabited it had left, for one reason or another, leaving Adam Carter suddenly and surprisingly alone. Even Johnny's friend River, who had taken to showing up at the house, had disappeared. In some cases, it had probably been for the best--Adam had never felt he'd been a very good father even to his own son, and he certainly hadn't been sure how to be not-a-parent to a teenaged girl.

And yet Adam, for the first time perhaps in a long time, felt quite alone.

In London, he had always surrounded himself with some acquaintances. When he had been young, it had been friends, and later, wife and child. And when Fiona had died, there had been work, and his colleagues, the colleagues you died for. But now, trapped in sleepy Aternaville by his own uncertainty still and unwillingness to test its origin, he found himself at a loss.

The nightmares had been coming back, the difficult dreams at night, of things half-remembered, easier but never forgotten.

And he realised, sitting one evening in the kitchen of the house where he had once sheltered from a pancake deluge, that he ought to do something about it. Meet new people. Surround himself once again with social interaction, if not with purpose.

Out he went for a walk and a drink--no quick, sweaty, antisocial run for him today--and the hope of encountering someone intriguing.

the power/adam carter, !open

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