Visiting the Sickie

May 30, 2010 09:52

Who: Wesley and Dok
What: Visiting Hours
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: The Clinic
Rating: G-PG
Status: Incomplete

"I'm still having trouble believing it myself." Wes told Dok, sifting through some notes that were scattered on the side of the bed. "But it's almost impossible to fool the sensors of a tricorder. Unless she's some sort of alien that can mess with electronic information...but she says she's the North Star and that a necklace knocked her out of the sky." He blinked at the older man, smiling a little. "You think I'm nuts, don't you?"  Wes had been relaying his meeting with Yvaine, trying to make sense of what the woman had said. He'd brought Dok his laptop to work on a few things and catch up on what had been going on around town via the forums. The two had been talking for some time, but Wes was still as stumped as ever. 

wesley crusher, dok

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