Who: Kimberly Corman and Olive Snook
What: Apartment hunting
When: Sunday morning
Where: Starting in the Five Seasons Hotel lobby and probably moving toward Thatcher Apartments
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Today was Kimberly's first step into real and true adulthood, even if she wasn't going to admit that to Olive. )
Kimberly was glad that Olive agreed, because she felt bad enough excluding the other girl, but it wasn't like she'd ever gotten a very positive read off of her. That didn't necessarily make George any less likely a candidate for a potential friendship and it certainly didn't mean she was a bad person...it merely meant Kimberly wasn't entirely sure that she was roommate material. At least, not for herself and, by extension, Olive. Besides, Kimberly found herself rationalizing, it was going to be her first real apartment and moving in with more than one person was twice the potential for drama; really, she was just trying to minimize the fallout ahead of time. So, it wasn't terrible, right?
Eyes widening slightly, Kimberly looked back at the woman at the front desk and gave a small smile as if to say, you heard her. "You know I'm gonna be broke after this party, right?" she whispered to Olive, arching her eyebrows as she looked back at her new friend. That was her way of politely saying, you're sure that Ned is gonna pay that well...? Because, I won't have a safety net. But the woman's voice caught Kimberly's attention again and she looked back in time to see the brochures. As Olive reached for one, Kimberly took another. "Thank you," she replied as the woman moved away from the desk. Kimberly leafed through the brochure and looked at the floor plans. Somehow, she thought that the ones in the brochure she'd taken were probably a bit more pricey than what would likely be in their range; they looked huge. "Yeah that's kind of a bummer. Agreed," Kimberly replied. "Although, you know, maybe they have short leases? Like if we do a three or a six month and it's not crazy expensive but we're making enough money...maybe we can see if there's any houses for rent and look for a pool," she thought aloud. Then a grin spread over her lips. "Can you imagine the bangin' pool parties two girls like us could throw?" she laughed.
Her laughter, however, was short lived and she cleared her throat and stood up straighter as the woman from the reception desk returned with another employee holding a set of keys in his hand. There were three other key rings hanging off his fingers below his closed fist and he gave Olive and Kimberly a warm smile, nodding toward the brochures. "Any specific ones jump out at ya?" he asked genially.
Olive leaned into Kim's arm and grinned up at her. "Don't worry! We'll manage. Technically I think you have to make more money here. It's Canada, and aren't things like double what they are in the States?" She turned her back on the desk to look through the brochure a little more. She glanced up when Kimberly mentioned maybe eventually looking for a house to rent. "That's true. Yeah, we'll have to do that." She giggled at the huge grin that split Kim's face once she realized that they would be able to have pool parties. "Bangin' is right!" She sort of didn't realize how that sounded, but then she'd thought that masturbation meant chewing your food at one time. She didn't think that anymore.
Olive turned around to see the man with the keys and she pushed off the counter and followed after him. Olive pointed to the two bedroom floor plan with the 1000sq. feet of space. "I like this one, can we see one like this?"
"Anything jump out at you?" she ventured. Two fingers were pressed between her lips a split second later and she was whistling loudly for a cab to pull over for them. Then, her attention was back on the other woman as one parked at the curbside and she pulled the door open, sliding in. It wasn't like there was a huge hurry, after all; they had time to decide. Kimberly just found that she was, well, underwhelmed by the Thatcher Apartments.
It wasn't long before the cab pulled up in front of the Five Seasons and it would be time to retire back to her hotel room. A room that didn't feel like home and never would. There had to be someplace that was affordable and screamed to be moved into, didn't there?
They pulled back in front of the hotel and Olive followed Kimberly out onto the sidewalk. She walked back in and sighed, a little disappointed that they hadn't found anything. "Don't worry. If I have to beg Ned to let us live above the Pie Hole I will. I'm not proud." She shrugged. "We'll find something, I promise."
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