(no subject)

Jan 22, 2010 19:45

Who: Andy Gallagher and OTA
What: Not in Kansas anymore...
When: Jan 22, mid-afternoon
Where: the library
Status: In Progress
Rating: Depends, but probably PG-13 or so?

Groaning softly, Andy opened his eyes and frowned at the crick in his neck. Falling asleep on some dingy ass table in frigging Frontierland; great move, Gallagher, he thought. Granted, there were more important things to worry about, like the fact that the last time he'd seen the hot lesbo, she was hanging like a forgotten rag doll. Or, there was always the fact that Sam said that they were all psychics and the thing they seemed to have in common was that they were given their powers by a demon. A demon. Clearing his throat, Andy sat up and rolled his neck, looking around through bleary eyes.

"...oh no...come on," he muttered, frowning. To be fair, the new location looked a lot less ominous than the old one but seriously this was getting old real fast. "What the fuck..." he sighed, standing and stretching. First, he ought to find Sam, Jake, and Ava. They could figure out where they were later. It looked safer here, anyway. Way the hell less creepy.

As he looked around, Andy realized he was in a library and, in spite of himself, he gave a small smirk. Jesus, he hadn't been in a library since, like, senior year of high school and even then it was to make out with that chick Amie Lewis in detention. Totally worth the suspension, in Andy's mind.

"Sam...?" he ventured, walking down the aisle and looking back and forth between the rows of books as he went. "Jake?" A short pause and then Andy took a deep breath, sighing. "...Ava?" he asked, less loudly. Screw that bitch, anyway, she kept giving him shitty looks. Let her bite it next, he thought; he'd find Sam and Jake and Sam would get them back home. Why Andy had the trust in Sam Winchester, a man he barely knew, was beyond him, but there it was. He thought it was because they shared the fact that they were freaks and Sam seemed to know what he was talking about with the whole demon thing. They'd - Sam and his brother, that was - helped with Webber and Tracy and everything that went down in Guthrie. For no discernable reason, Andy had faith that Sam would pull through for him again.

The library seemed empty because it was so quiet, even if he was pretty sure that there had to be people roaming around in there somewhere, because the lights were on. That and it was, it seemed, the middle of the day, judging by the sunlight coming in through the windows. "Hellooo..." he called out in a low voice. "Okay, guys, seriously..."

andy gallagher, !open, george lass

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