
Jan 22, 2010 04:14

Who: Moira and Ian
What: catching up after being someone else (and possibly realizing things. *ahem*)
When: EARLY MORNING.  When Ian gets off of his late job and back into AV.
Where: iPancake
Rating: PC for Pancakes and Cheer

Moira was naturally an early riser, usually to Lulu's chagrin. She was ready to have lunch by the time the younger blonde was waking for breakfast. But even Ian's shift was a bit earlier than Moira usually got up. It was fine, though. She'd missed Ian more than she'd thought she would when Sally had control of her brain. Sure, the other witch had been busy, but Sally hadn't been able to cast her senses and just make sure Ian was okay like Moira did most days. It was a comfort thing, she told herself. Ian was the only one from her world who was there and that was why she needed him.

Not because he could make her grin when all she wanted to do was hide from the world. Not because he reminded her why life was worth living. Not because the way Sally had been thinking of Merlin Jethro was the same as the way that Moira had once again begun thinking of Ian. And certainly not because her stomach did those flip flops that she remembered quite clearly from when she was fifteen with him.

But insanely early or not, Moira managed to make it to the 24 hour pancake place before Ian. Either his train was late or she, as usual, overestimated how long it would take her to get there. Taking off her hat, but leaving on the scarf, Moira followed a waitress to a cute little booth for two and ordered some tea while she waited for Ian to come

ian delaney, !closed, moira byrne

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