(no subject)

Jan 12, 2010 02:45

Who: Sally Sparrow (Moira) and open!
What: getting the hell out of the house.
When: around dusk
Where: Starting outside Lulu/Moira/Clarice's house
Rating: S for Sally

Sally Sparrow had enough of this nonsense. She'd left the room to do nothing other than go to the bathroom since she'd locked herself in to get away from the scary blonde American girl. Were all Yanks so bloody pushy? She might've woken up in this Moira's room but she was certainly not Moira and certainly not Irish thank you very much! She'd examined the room and found a strange amalgamation of books and other things. It appeared that this Moira was very new agey. Possibly a practicing Wiccan. Sally was open minded about most things, so it wasn't too much to take in, just interesting. She did have this gorgeous old bookshelf that drew her eye to it. Sally never got tired of old things. But after surfing the internet and becoming more disturbed by the moment, Sally Sparrow decided it was high time to get the bloody hell out of this place.

There were a few things she'd need to bring, first, though. The computer, obviously. Thank god it was a laptop. It could come in handy. Finding Moira's wallet on the table, Sally paused. She felt sort of bad pilfering money from someone whose room she invaded, but...this was important. So she left the girl a note, saying how much she'd borrowed and she'd pay her back. After that, it was all about clothes. Something comfortable to climb in, something that was relatively warm since there was bloody snow on the ground.

Twenty minutes, a pair of jeans, a sweater, a warm jacket and a hat later, Sally was ready to leave. She slipped on boots, unlocked the door and grabbed the bag with the laptop. The window was easy enough to slip out of and Sally's been climbing fences all her life. She managed to make her way down quickly and quietly enough and crunched through the snow until she managed to get to the road. She took the street down to the end. She was standing at the cross-section of Baker and Meadowoods. But the weird thing was, on one side, there was a Butcher Street. On the other? Candlestick Maker.

"You've got to be kidding me," she said, shaking her head slightly. Would the weeping angels really do this? Take them all to this bizarre town in Canada in 2010? Why would they do that?

dr. spencer reid, !pb swap, dr. horrible, moira byrne

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