Minor meltdown

Oct 03, 2009 13:25

When: Thursday night
Who: Ian!Clarice and OPEN
Where: The street outside the apartment complex
What: Clarice is panicking just a bit
Rating: W for Why am I a boy???

Clarice did not know what had happened.

One minute she'd been sitting in the theatre, trying to be discreet about wiping away the tears that were streaming down her face as the curtain closed. Watching Troy die was hard. Even though she knew it was only a role - she'd been listening to him rehearse for weeks - but seeing it, up there with the costumes and the lights and the orchestra and all - it somehow became so powerful, so real. By the time he slipped away in Neil's arms, Clarice was sobbing into her hands, trying to muffle the sound.

From what she could hear around her, she wasn't the only one in the audience so affected.

But then there was a tearing in her chest that had nothing to do with emotion. Her eyes flared bright white and the room around her vanished, and suddenly she was somewhere else. Leaping to her feet with a gasp, she looked around wildly.

Whose house was this?? How had she gotten here?? She hadn't Blinked - it had all happened too fast for her to Blink. Not now, though. She wasn't going to stay in a strange house and wait to find out why someone had brought her here. Reaching down into her core, she called up the mutant power that would carry her out of here and home.

And nothing happened.

Astonished, she stared down at her hands, and got her third shock of the night. Not only were they not flickering in and out or dancing with pink lights, but they weren't purple. They were skin colored. Regular human skin. And... bigger than hers. Broader.

Now Clarice was beginning to hyperventilate.

She dashed for a nearby window, stumbling over too-long legs and too-big feet. What was happening to her?? At least once she reached the window she was immensely relieved to see that she was still in Aternaville. That greatly lessened the chance that this was being done to her for some malicious reason. It was probably just another of those... weird things. Now moving a little more carefully, she went looking for a mirror.

The pale face framed with thick, unruly brown hair that stared back at her was familiar. Mr. Delaney. Moira's friend. They hadn't really formally met, only in passing, but Moira had talked about him a few times. Clarice reached out with a trembling hand to touch the glass. On the other side of the mirror, Ian Delaney reached out.

"I have to go," Clarice whispered, feeling a fresh wave of trembling wash over her at the sound of the unfamiliar low voice and lilting accent. "I-I-I have to g-go, I'll f-find Moira, she'll - she'll be able, able to fix this." But would she? If this was another of the town's little tricks...

Well, finding Moira still wouldn't hurt. Finding the Doctor would be even better. She wanted to get away from this mirror, out of this strange apartment. Without pausing to take anything with her or even put on a pair of shoes, Clarice let herself out and half-fled down the stairs and out into the street.

clarice ferguson, !body swap, !open, giselle

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