Who: Castiel and Lulu Spencer
What: Body swap of doom
Where: The Theatre
When: Thursday night
Rating: PG-13
Castiel didn't understand what he was feeling. It was a curious mix of disgust and triumph. But it was worth it just to see the look on Neil's face when the last word was sung, when the audience broke into their applause.
Castiel was about to make his way to his friend, ready to reassure him, to let him know it was OK when the most curious sensation flowed over him. He felt like his body was being torn in half across the middle but it didn't hurt.
He reached up hands to check his body and then everything went black.
When Castiel opened his eyes the first thing he noticed was his connection to Heaven had been severed. His eyes were wide with fear, his breathing rapid, as he sat up.
Then he made the mistake of looking down.
He ran his hands over the curves, the small waist, the breasts.
He looked up from the floor and cried out in a high, ragged, voice, "What's going on?"