Who: Bill and Laura
What: Fishing. And there are probably a few questions that need answering.
When: morning
Where: outside their cabin, by the lake
Rating: C for contemplative
Status: Incomplete
The sun had slowly made it's way across the horizon, and there was a cool nip in the air. And down by the lake, near a certain cabin, a figure sat on the dock.
Bill had almost forgotten about the small jetty - but then again, he'd deliberately stayed away from the place for a long time. Well, not any longer. He'd found a pole in the back shed, and he perched himself on the edge of the jetty, dangling his feet in the water as much as the line itself.
Probably wouldn't end up catching anything. But it was just nice to be out in the fresh air - particularly after all that time spent on battlestars.
Bill heard the door swing open behind him, and the light tread of feet that followed not that long afterwards. He couldn't help but smile a little, as he turned around. "Morning," he said. "Sleep well?"