Who: Owen and OPEN BAR
What: OPEN BAR #2: For those of you who haven't been here that long, Owen is serving drinks at his bar, so bring in people to spill their sorrows to the bartender/shrink, bring them in to interact with others at the bar, if two or three of your characters just want to get together and hang out in the bar, go ahead. Just
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Grinning stupidly, Ianto bustled into the bar then shook himself off, dislodging snow off of broad and currently woolen shoulders. Under his coat were black jeans, a crimson shirt and one of his suit coats. Casual but not. One of his nicer compromises, he felt. "Evening!" he yelled in general. By now he knew everyone that worked here.
Not like being a doctor. People were always nagging at you about something or other, threatening lawsuits.
No, no, he liked this job quite a bit more than some of his others.
"Evenin' Mister Jones. What'll it be tonight?"
Ianto found someplace to hang his coat to let it dry out and went to annoy Owen at the bar. At least for the moment. "Um. Nothing special. Scotch and ice. If I asked you for a surprise, you'd give me something pink and involving an umbrella. Slow night, Owen?"
"Quiet thing." He topped off the glass and pushed it towards Ianto. "I think I talked to her once. Told her about your half-naked exploits."
Though it was.
It was just that he'd had a long day, a long several days, possibly even a long couple of weeks, and a quiet, stiff drink--or even a pint--would be much appreciated.
He had left Babs napping in the hotel room. She wouldn't miss him for an hour or two, jet lagged as she was. Maurice walked into the first pub he laid eyes on, though as he entered he realised it was halfway to being more of a bar than a pub. Ah well. It would do. He was willing to settle. And it was quiet.
He walked up to the bar and settled on a stool. "A lager and a brandy?" he asked the bartender.
Dr. Owen Harper, M.D.: Psychologist/Doctor/alien hunter/bartender. Seeking position in the floral industry.
He smiled politely at the older man before fetching him glasses of both. "Straightaway!" So he was in a bit of a silly mood tonight.
He watched the bartender work, then accepted his glasses. He sipped deeply from the taller one, eyes closed. There. Much better. A very long day.
Putting the frosty glass on the bar, Maurice took a good look at the bartender. "You're not from around here," he observed.
"Owen Harper." He extended a pale hand. "Born about London -- though Cardiff was my more recent residence." He had taken great care not to call it a home. Home was someplace where one was meant to be happy; Owen had never felt anything like that from Wales.
Plus, winter here was awfully cold and dark and the snow had been confining her to her apartment for longer and longer periods of time. So tonight, she decided to go to the bar, alone. She wasn't one to conform to social mores or be uncomfortable in non-traditional situations. However, she was aware of what other people thought about women who drank by themselves. It didn't deter her though as she stepped confidently toward the bar, grabbed a stool and got the attention of the bartender.
"Gin and tonic on the rocks, please."
Tosh would be proud.
"Coming up, miss." He gave her a silly little bow before ducking to fetch two bottles from beneath the counter. "I haven't seen you in here before."
"No. This is my first time here" she said, scanning the full bar for the first time. A decent place. Not fancy but not what Booth would refer to as a "dive bar." She wondered if he had been here in her absence.
"Is this your place?" she inquired as she watch the bartender making her drink.
In the meantime, though, alcohol was always a good option.
After a dinner that she didn't ever really remember eating, Kaylee trudged through the snow to the bar that she'd passed many times, but hadn't ever entered.
"Somethin' strong," she sighed, sitting on a barstool and leaning her elbow on the counter, resting her head on her hand. "Please."
Without a word, he poured her a glass of Irish Whiskey, sliding it over before speaking. "You alright?" There was an actual look of concern to his normal smirk, something worried as she began to drink.
"Ain't nothing," she shrugged, shaking her head. "Jus' havin' a bad day. Well, week, I guess."
That was the very least of it. Kaylee wasn't sure she'd ever felt as dejected as this- even Simon's stupidity had left her with hope, at times. Billy had wanted to shut her out completely, and though Kaylee wasn't about to let him do that, she didn't know how to start talking to him again.
But he was in Canada, and so far he hadn't encountered much that was dangerous. So maybe this really was a new start.
Harry settled onto a stool and waited for the bartender to be freed up.
Spying the new gentleman enter, Owen raised a curious eyebrow. Maybe he didn't get out much, but there seemed to be a rush of people he'd never seen before in this little town. That curiosity still coloring his expression, Owen sidled up in front of him. "Hello, then. Want anything?"
"Yeah. Whatever you have on tap. Surprise me." Harry was easy when it came to drinking. Back home, Mac would just sit something on the bar in front of him and expect him to drink it. And it was usually good.
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