Who: Zak and Moira (Lulu and Clarice are welcome!)
What: Gift exchange
When: Christmas Day, evening time
Zak didn't know much beyond what he had read about the Christmas holiday. It wasn't something he celebrated, after all. But he had quickly learned that it was something that others celebrated. And though there was a religious undertone that he didn't believe in, the sentiment was the same. That was why he had gotten the presents that he did get, left the notes he left. And that was why he was on the doorstep of a by-now familiar house.
Again with a coat, and this time with a hat, Zak knocked on the door before shifting the gift bag (wrapping was a tragic endeavour). In that bag were two books, two of the ones that Moira was looking at. And in one of the books, as a place marker, was
a necklace. There were three other small gift bags as well, one for Lulu (with a
recipe in a jar for lemon drop cookies and one for Clarice with earrings and hair accessories. Sorry Clarice, he had no idea what to get, and got run over by a salesgirl in some strange store. The third bag had small toys for the dogs and cat.
Another shift, and he waited for someone to answer.