You know it's going to be an odd dream when you're in the corresponding location to the waking world and think you're quite awake. Although the position of the computer in the room was entirely wrong and seeing Evvy make faces very quickly at a webcam he doesn't own in waking life... well, it seemed normal. I was going to say something cutting about the horrible faces when I found myself standing next to him. In Scotland.
There was no time to really wonder at my surroundings for he took me out of the house, past his parents, in a whirlwind and on a tour. Strangely, it was as if we were down at the bus station by my house. The details of the houses nearby was amazingly similar to my own neighborhood. I mentioned this oddity to him. He didn't reply.
We were getting on a bus and I knew somehow that even though he wasn't carrying money, he could barter us a place at a table stationed just inside the bus. We talked to people in there and I tried to be polite, always conscious that I was very much a foreigner among people who really do have a much better vocabulary and different expectations. And then we weren't on the bus any longer but wandering around a hilly area with really snooty people looking at me like the American bug they believed I was. Evvy said something about a moment where I should have been more polite, but here I was polite to an extreme and it seemed to work.
Someone had died and I was in a brightly lit room with a surgery table as the centerpiece. We were talking about whoever it was as a friend. Was it Evvy? Was it Sam? Could I say a final good-bye to Sam as I so often dream?
Dreams never give me straight answers.