(no subject)

Dec 20, 2010 19:12

[So, Conchita's a librarian now. At first she was confused and concerned by the librarian, yet impressed by the illustrious-seeming position.

It didn't take long for the sparkle to wear off, though. Off days come more and more often, as she really isn't interested in doing any real work. Therefore, when you come into the library on her shift, you might find that Conchita is slacking off in several ways:

A. Snacking in the Library,
B. Snacking on the Library,
C. Kicking people out of the library. Particularly if they are shoddily dressed, smell bad, or some other offense to her delicate sensibilities, but really, she may just do it for no reason because she's in a foul mood. She's sure she everyone is much better off not sharing space with the dirty peasants.]
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