(no subject)

Nov 29, 2010 23:53

[an extremely loud cry arises from a house on Beaver Street, resounding much too far.]


[Yes, that's right. For perhaps the first time in Mayfield history, someone has gotten fired, and that someone is Conchita. Not that she was a complete monster of a babysitter or anything, she totally didn't deserve it. And undeserved as it is, Conchita is clutching the phone, positively livid as the drone explains.]

Now now, dear. We just feel that you're overqualified now, and you should be spending more time with your own children. I'm sure poor ol' Mr. Adamant misses your home cooking, too. You all need to spoil each other more! Remember, being a housewife is a real job. And this is a delicate time of growth in your Saya's life, you must be there to guide her through it.

And who in the world is Saya?!

....Mrs. Adamant, I rest my case. You all take care, now!

[and there's a click.

Conchita screams and breaks the phone. She glowers down at it, then decides - waste not. And so, for the second time in the history of her stay, she will be trying to eat the phone, only this time she'll have it simmering in a pot with some veggies and spices.

Home cooking, indeed.]
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