Simplest update ever

Nov 08, 2006 23:57

Well, I haven't written any fiction since before the fall equinox. So that's over with.

I did go and set up a second journal to

  1. see if LJ's automatically leaving new signups' e-mail addresses visible on the user info page led to my getting all that spam in my formerly pristine inbox
  2. try out some of LJ's niftier advertised features which I'm never going to pay for due to a)
  3. start working out the issues I acquired * as a result of the 1602ficathon, in my infrequent spare time, now that I finally have some.
In regards to

  1. LJ's changed the default setting, which is great for new users but is rather too late to prevent the multi-kb picspam I receive on a thankfully irregular basis
  2. most of the features are kind of useless, but some of the ads pushing them are unintentionally hilarious
  3. it feels oddly appropriate to use a client named Phoenix to post about comics. But unless it suddenly evolves a post preview function, I don't think I'll be using it again.
The ad currently exhorting me to "Get a paid account and get 2 GB of storage space for your photos" comes with a grinning figure flashing what's presumably an encouraging thumbs-up but, due to the art style, really looks more like it's gleefully flipping the finger at all and sundry.

I think it's my favourite.

* All 211 210 of them.

inventory, livejournal

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