Well...glad to see that I'm everyone's favorite punk skater boi, and yeah, I admit I follow some fashions, but not to be fashoinable, but because I think they look cool....ok, in my eyes, individuality is nothing more then doing what you like because you like it. You don't nessicerely have to look completly unique or whatever, but do what you do because you like, and if you get labeled with all these mainstream bullshit labels, and then whatever, that's how other poeple see you. I do what I do becuase i like it, I saw that haircut on 'scene' kid, and i liked it, so I got it! In case you haven't been able to tell form all the times we've disscussed....i don't stuff.....I'm not one to follow trends because that's what other people are doing!
yeah, you're pretty much why i skipped that section, cause you were the only person i knew who wears them, and i was trying to avoid targeting any of my close friends, though greg is cool so i knew he'd take it in jest, or thought he would anwyay :P
Comments 8
you are basically amazing, and i may never have laughed so hard this early before in my life.
thankyou aaron monse. i applaud you.
my glasses kick ass so dont start with me you negro. hahaha
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