
wow. the greatest entry every written, by anyone, anywhere. ever.

Oct 13, 2005 04:04

yo check it out an LJ update.

it is wraught with drama and passion.

woe is me, for i am naught but a tortured vampire.

blow it out your blowhole, n00bs.

So, I recently began seeing the word "scene" being used as an adjective. This baffled me something fierce, as my entire life I have been certain that "scene" is a noun. I thought to myself, "What ever could this mean?"

And then I discovered it: it's another inane, meaningless social label! Hooray!

This label has probably been in usage a lot longer than I've been aware - I don't keep track of your pointless social labels and crap, you know that I know it's nothing but bullshit, no matter how you glorify this redundant shit. I'm pretty sure I first became aware of it a few months ago when I saw this in Niki's AIM profile: i am scene BOB!!!!!!!

So, I began to seek more information regarding this mysterious term. I went to Wikipedia, which is the greatest source of information on the Internet.

Gifted with this treasure trove of information at my fingertips, I dived right into this new world of social ambiguity. READ ON...

The very first part of the article states thus:
"The word scene can refer to a specific youth subculture or movement. Scenes often draw a negative or opposition response from people outside the particular scene."

I wondered, "Why would anybody want to label themselves with such a thing, when it is obvious that the outside perception of such a group is blatantly negative?"

And then it dawned on me: DUH! The only way to be unique these days is to declare yourself a member (paid and subscribed) to a meaningless and pointless social clique that garners negative attention from outsiders who "don't understand," or "can't fathom" the depths of your profound and spirited mind and being.

Mind and being? I don't know - I am having trouble contemplating the depths of your social ineptitude, though. Let us continue...

Closely related to emo, the scene is more worldly in music appreciation, more exclusive, and pays more for clothes. The scene is similar to the emo and straight edge movements in personal style, but it can nevertheless be clearly distinguished as its own movement. People in the scene is known as a scenester, similar to a hipster but more modern.

Ah, now we are digging deeply into the crusty, highly-saturated-fatty depths of this fashionable scene. The scene is "similar to the emo and straight edge movements in personal style,"

So why not call them...emo? Or straight edge? What exactly is it that compels people to think of an (often useless and completely meaningless) identity for each and every single facette of today's youth?

Because today's youth is, studies show, 24% more unique than yesterday's.

Whoops, I lied. You're just as unique as yesterday's - in fact, probably less-so, as more and more of you deuches adhere to these cliques of social misfits, you all become more and more the same. Your individuality walked right out the door as you walked right into Hot Topic. Good job, deuchebags.

Moving on...

The stereotypical scenester has or is into:

* a-line haircuts
* hair dyed black or partly black and partly bleached
* tight clothing
* thrift store accessories
* Existentialist literature
* thick-rimmed glasses and/or huge sunglasses
* deliberate and calculated geekiness
* membership to social networking web clients such as Friendster and, more commonly, MySpace
* interest in '80s pop culture,
* frequenting local shows
* chain-smoking,

I'd like to touch on each of these points individually, if you please...

A-line Haircuts:
Won't argue this. I definitely see too many of you losers with this shit. If you are wondering what exactly this term refers to, it is most commonly in reference to the "UK DevilLock" hair style, namely when one side of the head's hair is grown and cut longer and thicker, worn hanging down over the front of the face usually to the tip of the nose, so that it completely covers one eye or most of that side of the forehead.

Recently, everybody's favorite punk sk8r boi Greg Barton (you're still cool, you'll phase out eventually) got this haircut - I said to him, "Hey Greg! You look like, oh, damn..uh..oh yeah! Everybody else!"

I wasn't joking.

Hair dyed black or partly black and party bleached:
There's a pretty common law of genetics (i just made it up) in which it is stated that whatever hair color you were born with, deal with it, you sons of bitches. More often than not, you look like a complete shithead otherwise. There are very few exceptions to this. Stop dying your hair, because you look stupid. You are not a giraffe. You are not a tiger. Humans do not have stripes and spots for a reason.

skipping the clothing bullshit..'cause i dress every single day in a hawaiian shirt and jeans and am left little room to criticize the fashion of others.

Existentialist literature:
I'm going to keep this one short - How many of you, reading this now, can pronounce Existentialist? How many of you know, off the top of your head, what it means? How many of you think you are "scene?"
Point in case.

skipping the glasses bullshit, for aforementioned reasons...i don't give a shit about your eyewear.

skipping the geek bullshit too - I am a geek, and there is nothing in common between geektitude and the social ineptitude that is "Scene."

membership to social networking web clients such as Friendster and, more commonly, MySpace:
Some of you are thinking as you read this, "How can he criticize this when he's posting on LiveJournal?" Take a gander at my most recent updates - you'll see there are next to none, and those that are there are more often than not bullshit. I don't care about LJ. Never once during any day does the thought occur to me, "wow, this was amazing, i need to update my ell-jay!"

I also have a MySpace - those of you who are aware of it are also well aware of the fact that I am on MySpace simply out of popular demand. I do not participate in its communal bullshittry, the only bulletins I send out are in satire and mocking the makes-me-wanna-guage-my-eyes-out bulletins you people send out. The only usergroup I belong to is "I Appreciate Tits," which I do.

going to skip the rest of the list bullshit 'cause I'm going to end up naming local names, which I don't want to (sorry greg)

The scene even has its own vocabulary to separate it from other subcultures; for instance, the term "scene points" (usually pejorative) refers to an imaginary system in which one is awarded points for every aspect of character that conforms to the stereotype of the scene.
If I ever hear one of you mention "scene-points" in a serious manner, I will punch you in the face. "scene points" were created a long time ago, when people said "you're cool."

Usually a male "scenester" tends to resemble a female one. Most of the time it is by wearing girl/overly tight pants, overly tight shirts, white belts, big/thick sunglasses, feminine haircuts, etc.
Rather than labelling yourselves with some mediocre social label, you could just get your operation - then all you'll be called is a tranny.

Normally "scenesters" are very anti-"popular" music, having accepted a band when it was "underground" but estranged it when it becomes mainstream.
I wanted to touch on this very badly.

The last few years I've noticed a very poor decline as far as music goes. As unqiue and individual as every single one of you being the same are, you are nothing but label whores and status bitches. You make big deals out of nothing - who cares how many fucking people listen to your band? I can describe upwards of 36 people off the top of my head who I would describe as "scene," and all of them listen to bands who have sold upwards of millions of CDs. Good job, hypocrites.

And why the hell is shit like Linkin Park still popular, anyway? They should never have been able to get off the ground - for people who scream about individuality, you like to listen to bands with a lot of garbage music that sounds the same. All of LP's music is recycled trash, and it's all about the same shit.

Green Day sucks, too. You people claim that you listen to this shit-for-guitar-strings noise pollution because you can relate to the artists. Oh yeah, I'm sure - "Boulevard of Broken Dreams," totally man. Green Day sure knows a lot about broken dreams, only having sold a couple of million CDs in their time and made themselves copious amounts of cash, the likes of which most of us can never even dream of seeing. Most of you can't even count that high.

One sentence that caught my eye in the article here, "In addition, many who fall under this classification are known to spend an excessive amount of time on and communicating through the Internet, via instant messaging, blogging, or online communities such as MySpace."

That's because they have no lives.

There was also a section on something called "fashioncore" -
"fashioncore is now more commonly used to refer to music fans who adopt the style(s) rather than bands themselves."

This used to be called fads and fashion. Do you people feel it necessary to stick the word "core" at the end of every god damned term on the planet?

Your lives are bullshitcore, sorry.

In closing,
"It is a common misconception that scene kids are goth."

That's next week's update.
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