New Years Newish Stuff

Jan 05, 2011 01:02

"Miranda" has become my happy place.  I've seen every episode so many times and it still has all its appeal.  I'm also starting to have "What have you done today to make you feel proud?" echo in my head.  Well Heather, I have:

  • Finished my fringeverse big bang.  It is all about The Observer.  The hardest bit was collecting the songs for the fanmix, though I'm also proud I stretched myself beyond icons to try headers and wallpapers.
  • Cut my hair.  40% is gone.  But I cut vertically, not horizontally, so it pretty much looks exactly the same only it's lighter, faster to dry, won't tangle, and falls right to that shaggy look I love so much.  One day I will go to a proper hairdresser just to hear them scream :P
  • Joined tumblr.  I'm goblinconceivable.  As the name combines my obsession with BE and "Goblins" and my love of The Princess Bride and word mashes and hits on the conceivable/inconceivable distinction, rife with possibilities...  I like it.  But it's way long and just as juvenile as atatteredrose so I probably won't be trying to rename myself it on a wide scale.  (... Or maybe... I will...)
  • Failed to abandon tumblr in a huff just 'cuz I don't get it.  Not exactly user friendly for someone just signing up, now is it?  Still baffled, working it out.
All in all, not shabby for a day, if I do say so myself.  Except I gave into the temptation to dig up an icon of Grant Jansky in the rat costume (OMG LOVE) and now I have a burning desire to rewatch Traders.  Which I KNOW I don't have time for as I'll be screencapping like mad.  For real, it's fantastic, and the first season especially is so very beautifully composed, shot wise.

ETA: As it happens, I had also, unknowingly, forgotten to go to an important meeting.  It was elections too.  I am not proud :(  Only found out when new president called us after (WHY didn't she call us when we didn't show?!?).  I shall finally sit down and do my writeup, then go sort all the books in penance.


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