An Update! Shock!

Apr 13, 2006 05:28

Huh, so I'm a bad boy and I haven't updated this in over a month, even though I check my LJ friends list constantly. And comment ocassionally. Why am I choosing to update now? Well, mostly 'cause I drank a Mountain Dew and a Vault (which is Surge Reincarnated for those of you that don't know) so I kinda accidentally wired myself, but I feel it wearing off and I'm sure by the end of this I'll be ready to fall asleep.

But uh, yeah, so I've been trying to figure out why I don't care to update my LJ as much. It's not that I don't like all of you (Which I do, you're all awesome. Especially you. Yeah you.) but I'm not gonna say "nothing interesting happens to me" because plenty of interesting stuff does. I just don't feel like recalling it all. Which is bad, because this is what a journal is for.

So here's a recap of what interesting things have happened to me:

- Car broke down in the middle of Richmond Road, luckily right next to a gas station. I was able to restart it though, and get it to the W&M Parking Lot. Basically, the computer chip is fried and I need a new one. It's been about two weeks and I've just been lazy because most likely I'll have to walk back from the place where I drop it off. And my dad says if this doesn't fix the car, he'll give me the PT Cruiser and he'll get another new car. Which is a sweet deal in my opinion. Anyway, I think I'll get it fixed soon. Who knows.

- Discovered that if you use the adjective "saintly" to describe Hitler, people might actually get offended. (If you want the full story, you can ask, but in reality it's not all that interesting. Plus I didn't do it myself, I just observed it, so yeah.)

- Also discovered the same night that laying down on the floor in the middle of a circle of people that all had alcohol in varying amounts during the night is not a good idea, as you become target practice for lots of things, including kicks, cards, and plastic spoons. (P.S. I had not had any alcohol.)

- I got and beat Kingdom Hearts 2. Rocking game fo' sho'.

I'm not sure if there's anything else interesting to talk about.


I might be going to Myrtle Beach for a week during the summer. Depends on if I get my parent's approval tomorrow. I want to very badly, for a specific reason that I'll at some point go into in this journal but I don't feel like it now, just because, well, I'm sleepy now and I'm done with this entry. Good night.
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