We're setting off with soft explosion.

Dec 17, 2011 21:30

CHARACTERS: Kroton and anyone.
LOCATION: Stalking the corridors.
WARNINGS: Nothing at the moment - will edit should things arise.
SUMMARY: Kroton is bored and takes to patrolling the ship.
NOTES: Prose or action tags are cool. ~Do wot you dooo~

It had been a long week, and far too restful for his liking. He hasn't had this much downtime in... a very long time, at the least. Mostly, people were chattering away on the comm device that never seemed to take a break. Some people were getting to work, and others were still trying to cope.

Kroton has been exploring the ship a little on his own since arriving - mostly roaming the corridors to make sure that nobody was getting hurt out there, because really, who the hell knows what's really out in the great big vastness that was Tranquility. His own kind had a remarkable ability to keep very, very quiet until it was time to attack. There could be scores of Cybermen tucked away in a cargo hold somewhere.

He shook his head at the thought, trying to put it out of his mind, and kept on walking through the next dimly lit passage with his staff in hand.

statsraaden, sikozu, ianto jones, kroton

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