(no subject)

Dec 13, 2011 14:08

CHARACTERS: sailorhonesty and ataraxion
LOCATION: Oxygen Gardens
SUMMARY: Applejack's feeling a little homesick for the farm, so of course she does what she does best - tend to what little bit of nature is on board the ship.

[Applejack didn't like the space ship or whatever it was that she had found herself stranded on anymore than she liked her new body. Being human had been difficult the first few days, learning how to walk again like she was a little filly. It was all well and good to say that they were trapped, but that didn't mean the earth pony had to enjoy it. Even though Big Mac and Rarity were here, it was hard getting used to the idea that they might never see Ponyville or Sweet Apple Acres again. The thought of Apple Bloom growing up without them around made her mope, and it was during these times that Applejack had found herself visiting the Oxygen Garden.

It wasn't like the natural earth, but she felt at home in it. She hadn't ventured into the upper level jungle areas yet, considering it felt like the Everfree Forest in there despite being told that it wasn't inhabited by vicious creatures. Still, AJ was content to keep to the Oxygen Garden, and that was where she was today.

The pony turned human sat back on her haunches, one arm draped over a knee as she wiped her forehead with her forearm.] Hoo-whee. [She whistled under her breath, pushing some blonde hair away from her eyes as she looked at her handiwork.] Ain't that lookin' much better than y'all were previously, eh? [Anybody who came in might have thought she was talking to nobody, but talking to the plants helped her keep a cool head as she tended to the fern bushes.] Now you jus' relax, Johnny, Lulu an' Ammy, an' let momma give y'all a little TLC.

jade harley, jack harkness, the exile | au, corazon, applejack, isabella swan

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