Mental wound not healing, life's a bitter shame~

Dec 09, 2011 16:48

CHARACTERS: Megamind + YOU?!
LOCATION: Traversing the ship, probably lost, eventual destination -- or so he hopes -- is engineering.
WARNINGS: Megamind is a supergenius with zero common sense. And terrible with people.
SUMMARY: Megamind has gone exploring. He is also prone to attempting to pry off parts of the ship to get into it's wiring and scan ( Read more... )

megamind, sikozu, eridan ampora, the doctor (eleventh), isabella swan

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umuh December 14 2011, 05:40:01 UTC
Bella hadn't intended to get lost. In fact, she'd been intending to ride a lift from the oxygen gardens back toward a lift that would take her to the passenger quarters. She'd been fairly sure she was there!

Only she'd taken the wrong lift, and promptly had the lift she was on grind to a halt and screech in an echo that felt more appropriate for a train than something this small.

Still rubbing her ears from the sound, she jumped down off the lift and made it safely to the opposite side of the hall entrance she was by. "Aaugh!" She leaned against the wall, staring plaintively at the formerly operating lift. "Is it too much to expect crazy future things to actually work? Mechanics are never going out of style, are they?"

She wasn't a mechanic.

Bella was, quite frankly, screwed. She stayed where she was, rubbing her ears and contemplating if the halls all ran parallel to the tracks, and if going the way she'd wanted the lift to go would get her where she wanted to be.

More or less. Eventually.


hvymetalheroics December 14 2011, 08:02:03 UTC
Bella is wrong.

Beautifully, terribly, wrong, but certainly, she wil find something that is not, in fact, the place she wants to get there or how to find it, or any of those things.

Instead, she's going to find an alien sitting in front of a panel, scanning something with his watch.

Yes. His watch. Lights come out of it and evening. But then he stops and goes quiet- those big hallways echo, and he's quickly getting to his feet, wary of approach. But he doesn't call out. That'd give her the drop on him! He can't have that, can he?


umuh December 18 2011, 00:01:19 UTC
Or can he? Bella stops, and she's partly wishing she could disappear into the wall, because that is someone blue and they are alien and how does that neck support a head that size, but there's nowhere to go, and he's already standing. Watch aside (what had it even been doing? she wants to ask, but she also doesn't, aliens are new and strange and under most rules of movies out to kill you) the only things obviously unusual about it -- him -- zir -- was the physical stuff.

Just that. Only those minor, glaring details.

She's not fast enough or clever enough or apparently small enough to escape notice, and clumsiness haunts her entire existence, so she falls back on standards, the standard, and calls out, "Hey?" before biting her lip, not sure she really wants to do this, possibly going to die. "Do you know how to, um, get back to where everyone's living?"


hvymetalheroics December 18 2011, 02:54:06 UTC
"Probably going back the way you came?" It's catty enough that ther should be a duh following it. Megamind -- now, closer, identifiably male (or a least, the goatee might suggest that, as well as the breast less, hip less build) and obviously irritated -- comes up and only stops a short distance away.

"The lifts. Otherwise, walking and praying," he says. "You look like you might need to pray anyway with the lifts."


umuh December 18 2011, 09:51:33 UTC
Maybe she hadn't really left Arizona after all. (Maybe all her former schoolmates were distantly related to the blue alien. Or he was to them. They sounded enough alike.)

"You know, I was wondering if that might work? Then I remembered the lift didn't just move in a straight line, and I didn't know if there was more than one moving around. Not to mention, dealing with the tracks."

It seemed a random point, but she meant it to her core. Bella knows she'll end up breaking an ankle or worse if she actually follows the lift tracks, so to speak. Not really tracks, but the idea was similar enough.

"Is that what got you out here?" she asked dryly. "Walking and praying?"

Letting her hair fall forward, covering part of her face, she looked past the alien and figured on her odds if she tried just walking past him.


hvymetalheroics December 18 2011, 20:08:01 UTC
"I really wouldn't walk on the lift tracks," Megamind said, looking at her like she'd lost her mind. "Just -- trust me. Even if they're not providing a charge, those things move pretty quickly. You'll end up a splatter, and then they'll end up confining us to quarters or something."

He's less concerned about her becoming a splatter-- though the idea doesn't honestly appeal to him, he's just not that kind of supervillain. He's worried about his ability to explore being curtailed.

"I used the lifts." Another unspoken duh goes here.


umuh December 18 2011, 22:17:10 UTC
Bella kept up with her "oh I'm not edging by you Mr. Blue Alien I'm just happening to walk in a direction that would take me right by you!" plan, restraining the urge to roll her eyes.

Or trying. She still did roll her eyes, since her rhetorical question of course had been answered. "Trust me," she said dryly, "I wasn't planning on trying."

In fact, why not move the burden of this conversation off of what she was doing? Bella could do... lost. Wait, did she have that stupid not-a-phone on her? Someone else would probably be more helpful. Were they tracked throughout the ship? Everything felt Big Brotherish enough she guessed they might be.

She stumbled, bracing herself against the wall, as her inner thoughts took her concentration away from proper coordination. Stupid coordination. "Why'd you come out this far to scan things with your watch?"


hvymetalheroics December 19 2011, 05:10:56 UTC
"To learn things, of course." And try and find access points in which to, well, access things. That's all. He needs those things. It'll become important, down the line. But for now, information was key.

"Why can't you walk straight?" he asks in return. Look, someone was going to point it out sooner or later, may as well be Megamind.


umuh December 20 2011, 03:02:35 UTC
"Some watch," she commented, righting herself and more deliberately walking onward now.

"I still feel a bit sick from that lift stopping so suddenly." On the bright side, it was true, so she didn't sound like she was obviously lying. That it had less to do with her coordination impairment than the fact she had never been graceful wasn't worth bringing up right now. Or preferably ever.


hvymetalheroics December 20 2011, 04:53:07 UTC
"It is an amazing piece of machinery. I designed it myself. Built it, too. At home. Not here, in this dump obviously." ... why must you bring out the inner teengirl, Bella? Why must you encourage him.

But what's this? Sick on the lift? "You better not have puked in there. Yuck." Yes, Megamind cares... about the lift. He's got to ride in that thing, you know.


umuh December 21 2011, 19:54:15 UTC
It was a talent. Teenagers bringing out the teenaged in even those closer to middleaged. Wasn't he happy?

She watched him warily as she continued slowly by. "Impressive," she said, and it wasn't actually all that sarcastic. Antagonizing large blue headed aliens wasn't high up on her list. "Only would have been more so if you could have come up with something like it here, with what we don't have. Which is a lot of things, I understand."

Like sanity. If anyone could find some extra sanity, Bella wanted to know about it.

She pulled a face at his not-quite accusation. "No. I just felt sick, I didn't say I was sick. My stomach's not that weak."



hvymetalheroics December 21 2011, 23:49:06 UTC
"I'm sure once I have parts and tools and the like, I'll be able to do much more fantastic things," Megamind replied, hand to his chest and nose in the air. He had a flair for the dramatic that any prom queen would be pleased to have cultivated. Only he was in his late thirties and supposedly an adult male of his species. Who knew?

"Anyway you shouldg et back to the lift. Don't puke in them, but ride them safely back to the quarters. You'll be less likely to hurt yourself," he says, shooing her off. "Or anyone else."


umuh December 29 2011, 04:40:30 UTC
She couldn't keep her eyebrow from sticking in the upright and disbelieving position. Whatever made this blue alien happy, she really wasn't about to start arguing specifics.

Not on engineering at least.

"Right, the lift that came to a screeching halt with the smoke and all the burning smells? That lift? That's the safe one? My mistake, I thought that was a sign of something breaking down."


hvymetalheroics December 29 2011, 18:55:43 UTC
"Probably just a design feature," Megamind says, waving it off as anything to be concerned about. "It's perfectly safe."


Otherwise they're all going to die, or never leave the damn 'safe' parts of the ship.


umuh January 2 2012, 23:14:51 UTC
Bella was on the "we're all going to die" belief, but she'd been feeling particularly pessimistic lately.

"I'll stick with walking, thanks. If it's working later, feel free to use it!"


hvymetalheroics January 3 2012, 01:06:13 UTC
Now he wonders if he should go check the lifts. Are there more things wrong with them? Can he repair them? He ignores the panel now, looking back the way she came.

"Well, then. I'll -- just go do that!" he replies smartly, and heads off to do so. Or at least, make sure that somehow this strange woman hasn't screwed one up some how. If so, he may need to have words with her! After all, they NEED these things, don't they?


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