Mental wound not healing, life's a bitter shame~

Dec 09, 2011 16:48

CHARACTERS: Megamind + YOU?!
LOCATION: Traversing the ship, probably lost, eventual destination -- or so he hopes -- is engineering.
WARNINGS: Megamind is a supergenius with zero common sense. And terrible with people.
SUMMARY: Megamind has gone exploring. He is also prone to attempting to pry off parts of the ship to get into it's wiring and scan it. This can only mean trouble for anyone who deals with him, or his attempts to get into places he's not supposed to.

What do you do when you want to do something illegal -- or at least, of questionable intelligence? You go out to where nobody is going to see you do it. The lifts have started working, the communicators are now responding and it was time to find information.

This meant wandering into the bowels of the ship with a laser on his hip, his communicator in his pocket, and his watch creating an illusion of himself-- withuot his gun on his hip. You never know when someone is going to get their super suit in a twitch over your DE-Gun. You'd think he wasn't an ace marksman (okay, he's not, bu he's still pretty good with the thing) with the way some people got over a guy having a gun, sometimes.

He still hadn't been able to attain information from the ship's computer, but he was certain there'd have to be a room or access point that would allow him to access SOMETHING; the records were there, somewhere. And then---

Well, he hadn't thought that far ahead. But he was totally going to find something useful, like a way out of here. Or a way home. Or if Minion was in one of those grav couches -- or, oh, worse! If Metro Man was in one of those Grav couches, because then he'd be really in trouble...

Never mind that he's already in trouble, as he has no idea where he is now, in the middle of the damn ship. After walking a couple of hours, he's hungry, tired, a little chilly, and annoyed... and lost. With no magical terminals that said INFORMATION HERE in sight, either.

He has only one sentiment that can sum this experiencee up:


megamind, sikozu, eridan ampora, the doctor (eleventh), isabella swan

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