A man grows what he can, and tends it

Dec 09, 2011 10:37

CHARACTERS: Kanoe Zouichi and... totally open :3
LOCATION: Oxygen Garden
SUMMARY: JUNGLE ADVENTURES and conspiracy theories.

His last ship had been considerably less climate-controlled, so in that, Zouichi supposed, the Tranquility had a leg up on the Transmigration 9. On the other hand, his last ship had also contained his friends, his bike (where was his bike? It had to be on the ship somewhere), and a vast, sprawling Hydroponics area in which one could explore if the walls of the organic corridors ever got a little too... confining.

But at least there was something like that here. He slipped his way through the vivid green jungle of the Garden, exploring the thickly-grown foliage. On his shoulder, Alan cocked his head at the sounds of the insects hidden in the leaves and elsewhere, occasionally mimicking one of their calls. It was mindless, the wandering, leaving his mind largely free to review what he'd been told so far.

The crew might be telling the truth as they knew it, or they might not. But one thing he did not believe was that they had all been brought here by random happenstance.

heine rammsteiner, zouichi kanoe | au

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