Mental wound not healing, life's a bitter shame~

Dec 09, 2011 16:48

CHARACTERS: Megamind + YOU?!
LOCATION: Traversing the ship, probably lost, eventual destination -- or so he hopes -- is engineering.
WARNINGS: Megamind is a supergenius with zero common sense. And terrible with people.
SUMMARY: Megamind has gone exploring. He is also prone to attempting to pry off parts of the ship to get into it's wiring and scan ( Read more... )

megamind, sikozu, eridan ampora, the doctor (eleventh), isabella swan

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uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 03:22:27 UTC
Eridan is not lost. Nor is he in any immediate danger, or worried about being in any immediate danger, or pretty much anything like that at all. He's been wandering for a while, keeping notes on his communicator through the text input, and to be really fuckin' honest, he's kind of impressed by what he's seen so far.

He's also completely aware that he's not really supposed to be out this far, or... well, he's not sure if he's supposed to be. But it's not like the two humans who are running this ship are going to know that he's wandering into potentially off-limit locales.

He does, however, know that when he sees someone approaching from the opposite direction, that they might know he's not supposed to be here. They might be patrolling. They might just be lost. But the fact remains that when he sees... some sort of alien, tall and skinny and blue, coming from the opposite direction he's walking in, he tenses up. He's ready for a strife if he needs to be, despite the fact that he has no weapons and certainly has no power. ( ... )


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 03:56:38 UTC
In totally agreement about the cape--though he's opted to hide his 'Megamind' uniform in his quarters for now-- the short alien has no cloak, but he TOTALLY has popped his collar. When you have a head like that, it is ALWAYS go big, or go home. Makes you notice things like that, instead of how small he is, or how skinny his frame is.

But he just-- eyes Eridan as he comes close, eyes bright and green-- and then just keeps walking.

"Nice scarf," he says-- though it's not with any sort of genuine sentiment. It might, in fact, involve some snickering.


uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 04:08:37 UTC
Eridan hears that tone in the dumb blue alien's voice and narrows his eyes, shooting a scathing look over his shoulder as the other passes him, before letting it turn into a sneering sort of smile.

"Wwanna borroww it? Might make your head look less fuckin' bulbous than your shitty collar poppin' does."


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 04:15:40 UTC
"Why would I want to draw attention awy from my fantastic cranium? It enhances, not detracts!" Megamind replies, turning and giving the fishtroll a look.

"...besides, are you really one to talk? I mean, you're like a skunk gone punk," Megamind says with an arch of one taunting brow. At least he was well groomed! Impeccably shaped brows, and a carefully trimmed goatee made him obviously superior. "Who did your hair before you woke up, and can you punch them through time and space for it? A refund would not be enough. Revahnge would have to be taken!"


uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 04:22:27 UTC
Eridan purses his lips and gives Megamind a look. It is a practiced, cultured and artfully crafted look; the perfect mix of distain, disinterest, and just a smattering of amusement that curls his lip just right. It is, possibly, the most infuriatingly unimpressed look anyone will ever see in their lives.

"Angelfish, if you think that skull'a yours is doin' anythin' but makin' you look like a bloated, beached wwhale, you're more delusional than you'll evver knoww." He pauses, drrragggggs it out just right, and adds, "An' this is my natural hair." (No, it's not, but he will never tell anyone he dyes it.)


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 05:24:55 UTC
Oh, now it's on.

There is a moment's pause, one hand -- long fingers (and those are some seriously long fingers) pressed just over where a human's heart would be, as he sides step closer.

"Then, riddle me this, fishlips," he says, leaning over, and enunciating with special care," can I see those--" each word drawn out, bitten off in tiny, spiteful pieces: "inky black roots under that terrible purple faux hawk?"

He just inches his brows right back up that very broad forehead and goes, "Hmm?"

Riddle him that, indeed.


uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 05:30:29 UTC
Oh no.

Not for the first time since waking up in a tube of slick liquid after being chainsawed in half, Eridan felt panic welling up in his chest. Unlike the other times, though, this isn't for just any old reason.

His roots can't be showing. He dyed his hair just before the game started! He'd wanted to look his best - oh cod, oh no, no, fuck that, this guy's just lying.

Eridan's face briefly flashes to panic before coming back to a more neutral expression. "You're fuckin' lyin'."

Pause. He leans in, getting right up in Megamind's face. "An' my name isn't. Fishlips."


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 05:53:55 UTC
"O-ho-ho!" The blue alien chortles as the young troll, pleased by the level of freak out he earned here. "I'm not the only one, though. Natural my skinny blue backside."

He buffs those nails of his-- kept short and well trimmed, but his hands were rough; you can't be an engineer with baby soft hands. It simply doesn't work that way. But they're as blue as the rest of them.

"Don't get angry when you get schooled in the yard of villainy, kiddo. Nobody can fault you for falling for it, really. You totally gave everything away," Mgeamind says, giving Eridan a look, totally unphased by the boy's closeness.

He drops his hands -- keeping them loose and empty. Eridan can't know he's armed, but Megamind is secure in being able to draw and get the kid cubed if it becomes necessary.


uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 06:02:25 UTC
Eridan's face fins flare as he huffs, and the result is that he looks like a cross between a puffer fish and an irate cat. "Vvillainy? Is that wwhat you really think you're doin' here? Bein' fuckin' evvil an' shit?" He scoffs at that, and it's not just completely for show. He's actually scoffing for real. "Oh no, pickin' on me for my hair, that's real fuckin' evvil'a you."

Time for a well placed finger-jab to the chest. "Back off, scrawwny, an' go play your lil' wwiggler vversion'a evvildoin' somewwhere else." Mostly, though, he's just pissed he let his pokerface down.


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 06:33:02 UTC
"Oh, like it's totally time to get the illiteracy beam running while we're stuck in the middle of unknown space with a lot of strangers, most of which who are human," Megamind says with a roll of his eyes. "That's smart. I didn't earn eighty-five life sentences not knowing timing."

He looks Eridan over, patronizing in the extreme. But he finds the kid not-- quite wanting. There's potential here, it seems. "I don't know what a-- wwiggler is, but I do know this. I was creating mayhem and havoc before you were even bucking your fishy, evolutionary back end and making legs in your egg sac, kiddo."

He gestures to the hall. "All I need are the right tools, and this place will provide them! Look at it. A big, empty ship-- miles of deck, with secrets just WAITING to be coaxed out of it.... It's like a villain's dream come true."


uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 06:43:26 UTC
Eridan's not sure what that expression on this blue bald fucker's face means, but he doesn't like it. Patronizing is one thing Eridan can't handle in any quantity.

"That's not evven howw trolls are born, you racist beluga!" And he really wants to point out that he's singlehandedly destroyed his entire race with one well placed burst of white magic, but the last time he said that, he'd felt really... bad about it. (And then he'd gotten hit on. But that hadn't really helped matters.) "Wwe're born as grubs, not lil' fuckin' eggs. I'm a troll, not a salmon."

He does have a point about the ship, though. Even though Eridan doesn't really like the idea of being a villain, he does... see that there's a lot of potential here. If you're into that sort of thing. "An' wwhat are you gonna do wwith this fuckin' ship, huh? Bloww up a planet or somethin'? Been there, done that."


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 08:42:42 UTC
"Oh please. Only amateurs go with genocide and murder. I mean, anybody can kill a person, or several people. I have standards." HE shakes his head, stepping back, no small amount of swagger in his step.

"No. I plan something greater--" and much, much more personal. "But if you think I'm going to spoil it, you've got another thing coming."

He's going to find out what happened to his people, if it's the last thing he does.


uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 08:46:19 UTC

Eridan bristles and balls his hands into fists. He's not going to actually punch the other, mostly because he's pretty sure he's not fit for strifing at the moment, but still. That temptation is there. "Wwhat are you gonna do if someone else gets control'a this ship before you? Wwhat if I'vve got my owwn fuckin' plans?" He doesn't, because what is he going to do? Fly this thing back to his universe and... be dead there? Hell no. But he's a brash little asshole, so of course he's going to hypothetically try to take over the ship before someone else.

"An' just so you knoww, it's a lot fuckin' harder for just anybody to kill someone."


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 08:57:51 UTC
"Oooh, we got ourselves a hardhorns here," Megamind retorts, rolling his eyes. He sees that temptation, Eridan, and he's just feeding off it. It's a performance art thing, you know.

He steps to the side, pulls up his watch, an gestures to the ship. "I'm a genius engineer. Trust me. Figuring out this place's secrets will be nothing. If you play your cards right--villain to villain-- we can strike a deal... let me set up the game, and you can set up the opposition. After alll, what's a villain with no nemesis? So far the rest of these people are all sniveling whiners and soft-headed idiots! You, at least..."

He's grinning broadly now. "You know the game."


uncodlyawwesome December 10 2011, 09:10:07 UTC
The first thing Eridan wants to say is that he isn't a villain, he just wants to destroy all landdwellers, tries to contract doomsday devices to do just that and, on occasion, kills his friends in a blind rage. But that all sounds pretty villainous, so... maybe that is what he is.

But then there are other things Megamind is saying that make Eridan even more confused than the whole "villain" thing. Stuff like nemesis, and opposition, and the insinuation that he's a better enemy than everyone else.

"...You mean that?" he asks, and he tries very hard not to look at least a little bit hopeful, because he knows that Kar always says he's way too fuckin' desperate and this guy... isn't really his type, concupiscently speaking, but hey. He can't be choosy all the time.


hvymetalheroics December 10 2011, 09:17:29 UTC
"...well geez, the only other guy who has levied threats and insults around here claims he's really a hedgehog. And he's got no style at all. No sense of presentation. Just 'give me info or die'. I mean, come on. In the middle of a crisis?"

Megamind has a good laugh at Shadow's expense, shaking his head as if the guy is some-- mentally challenged toddler, to be pitied for playing at a grown, thinking man's game.

"No, no. At the very least you have a leg upon banter," Megamind allows. "Even if you jump straight to the murder. I have eighty-eight life sentances, kid -- and I've never killed anyone. That's how bad I am. That's how much they fear me and what I could do to them, back home in Metrosity!"


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