Dec 09, 2011 16:10
[GREETINGS, NETWORK. Some loser's got his coke-bottle lenses way too close to the camera. Back up, bro, you're fogging the screen, and that is gross.
Turns out he's just trying to make the device stay upright. After a few moments, success! Wheatley (who looks extremely nervous) takes a step away, hovering over the communicator as if he expects it to fall, like it did the past seventeen times.
He is not wearing any clothes.]
Hello! If anyone is there and I'm not just--not just talking to this little black box, which, by the way, could stand to be a little clearer in the "what does this button do" department...
Not that I had any trouble figuring it out. Fiddled around for a bit, and boom, there we go, video feed on. Not a problem. But, you know. Instructions. Just in case anyone's a little...technologically impaired. Couldn't hurt.
[Wait. Where was he?]
Right! Uh…show of hands, if you would, seeing as we've all got hands now. Who's an AI? That's Artificial Intelligence for the aforementioned technologically impaired. Robots count too, I am also a robot.
And--and I know what you humans are thinking; Wheatley, you're not a robot, you're squishy and inefficient just like the rest of us but that, humans, is where you're wrong. One hundred percent robot, right here, just as soon as I get my body back.
Point is, if you see someone in an orange jumpsuit or...or a lab coat, maybe hear them talking about Science or Apertures, or some combination of the two…go ahead and let them know that Wheatley's looking for them and also is important.
[A small pause as he fidgets, suddenly looking that much more uncomfortable.]
Actually. Don't tell them that. Tell me, instead! If--if you meet anyone with that description and. I will go. Find them.
c: kroton,
c: statsraaden,
c: shadow the hedgehog,
c: hal 9000,
c: belarus (natalia arlovskaya),
c: heatwave,
c: alexander,
c: america (alfred f. jones),
c: cave johnson,
c: astral,
c: jade harley | au