
Dec 09, 2011 16:04

[Hello, have a former tall ship who's trying to help, as usual.]
As you may have heard by now, we're currently stuck in a spaceship whose means of propulsion seems to have gone wrong, leading to us coming here. I will assume nobody is anywhere near their respective homes anymore; I would say not even in their own universe. Moreover, what remains of the crew doesn't seem to have a much better idea than us what could possibly have happened.
For the ones who think they've been taken on purpose by whomever they know to use this trick on a regular basis, I'll say that it's what I thought at first, but now I cannot be so sure. The crew, or whoever else, might still be playing tricks, but it's more and more unlikely: they really look as desperate as us, and I would be inclined to trust them. What I can say is that nobody you know or ever heard about is responsible. We're from too many different places for that to be possible.
Anyway, it would be useful if we could get together, ideally including the crew, in order for everyone to be able to go back home. Several of you (and I do include the crew here) have already suggested this, and I'll be joining them in their efforts. For example, I think we will need advanced physicists in order to help our engineer figure out what happened and how to reverse it. I've heard Spock offered to join in this effort, but I would think the more people join, the better. Likewise for all the other positions on this ship; we will need everyone. I admit our Captain could have said it more diplomatically when he said we would have to 'pull our weight', but he does have a point: we. need. everyone.
I would assume most of this would be obvious to most of you, but I would like to make sure everybody is on the same page on this. So, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me, the crew, or anyone you know to be able to answer. Ideally the latter.

c: jane foster, statsraaden, c: cave johnson

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