001 ✽ voice;

Dec 27, 2011 22:08

[ The voice is obviously female but beyond that it sounds a little strange, flat, as though someone has run it through a computer program to strip out all other identifying characteristics. The computer program, if that's what it is, can't disguise her sing-song, amused tone, though. ]

That's too bad. And here I was looking forward to the chance to stretch my legs. Too much time spent staring at the same walls and faces is bound to make anyone a little cabin-fever-ish.

Not that I don't enjoy all of your company, but I've never been one for staying in the same place too long.

[ And then, abruptly, the audio feed runs into an encryption wall. ]

[ encrypted (level: variable); ]

[ If you're coming at this from a known device used by Ward or Resnik, the encryption is about as strong as Kasumi knows how to make them. But for everyone else, a light breeze and a teensy bit of computer know-how is enough to knock it over. She's not interested in keeping people out, just in finding out who'd break a private encryption just to see what's behind it. ]

It's probably time to introduce myself officially. My name is Kasumi Goto and as it happens, I used to specialize in getting things for people that they can't get for themselves. Let's call it "procurement," okay?

Now, whatever our hosts have to say about it, I'm planning to hitch a ride out to that station to see what there is to see. If anyone needs something "procured" while I'm there -- something you don't particularly want to tell our hosts about -- now's the time to speak up.

[ encrypted to tali and garrus (level: 100%); ]

Free of charge for old friends, of course.

c: megamind, kasumi goto, c: spock (xi), c: re-l mayer, c: tali'zorah vas normandy

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